Monday, October 13, 2014

四 核 大 屏, 三星, Galaxy, Note2 性价比 超高 – 和 讯 网

三好 在线 手机 频道

三星 Galaxy Note2在当下的市场上是一款性价比非常突出的机型,该机外观设计大气,搭载了5.5英寸的超大触控显示屏,触控反映灵敏,采用了高性能四核处理器,同时还支持更换电池和存储卡扩展,性价比还是非常高,目前该机在商家"沈阳爱购数码通讯"的报价仅为1650元,对该机有兴趣的朋友不妨考虑一下。

三星 Galaxy Note2 的 外观 设计 延续 了 Galaxy S III的圆润风格,尺寸为151.1*80.5*9.4毫米,重量达到180克。采用了金属边框设计,并且边框更窄,在整体尺寸变化不大的情况下,屏幕升级到了5.5英寸,视觉效果更好。同时该机的厚度也有所升级,从上代的9.7mm缩减到9.4mm,手感更好。在机身下方保留了经典的实体Home按键,两旁设有隐藏式菜单、返回键,并支持背光功能。

三星 Galaxy Note2配备了5.5英寸1280*720像素屏幕,采用了新型的RGB像素排列,相比Pentile像素排列,显示效果更佳细腻。在显示界面方面,Galaxy Note2包含了大量自家服务,例如S日历、S书签、驾驶模式等等。

三星Galaxy Note2

三星 Galaxy Note2 采用 了 的 四 核 处理器 1.6GHz, 2GB 搭载 的 RAM 内存, 搭载 了 Android 4.1 系统, 而且 完善 升级 了 S Pen的功能,触控应用体验更加的出色。同时该机在超强悍的硬件推动下,系统流畅性更加的出色,性能表现也是倍加吸引眼球。此外该机还配备了3100mAh的超大电池可以保证更好的续航能力。

三星 Galaxy Note2内置了一颗800万像素BSI背照式摄像头,同时也加入了更多智能拍照功能。配有LED闪光灯辅助,Galaxy Note2支持最佳群组拍照模式,可以选出最佳面部表情自由组合成完美照片。同时也支持拍摄艺术效果的照片,急速连拍等。

三星 Galaxy Note2

编辑 点评: 三星 Galaxy Note2虽然上时间不短,在如今的市场上有着超高的性价比,该机采用大尺寸显示屏,搭载四核高性能处理器,支持更换电池和存储卡扩展,该机的售价也是逐渐亲民,目前该机在商家"沈阳爱购数码通讯"的报价为1650元,对该机心动的朋友不妨与文末经销商联系一下。(本文所报价格仅供参考,如若购机,请以当日行情为准)。更多新机请点

> [产品 型号] 三星 GALAXY Note2 手机

[参考 报价] 1650 元

[经 销 商] 沈 阳 爱 购 数码 通讯 [咨询 电话] 13998896080

[地 址] 沈 阳 市 沈 河 区 小 北 手机 市场 北区 1 楼 北区 7 号

(责任 编辑: HN666)


三星 Galaxy Note2 乌鲁木齐 现 售价 1399 – 中关村 在线

(中关村 在线 新疆 乌鲁木齐 行情) 三星 GALAXY Note II是一款配有5.5英寸屏幕的大屏手机。目前该机在商家"KK数码"处报价黑1529 . 白 1399 元 (改版 机)

& # x5927; & # x5C4F , & # x5F3A; & # x673A; & # x4E09; & # x661F; Note & # x2161; N7100 & # x4E0D; & # x8DB3; 3200 & # x5143;

 三星 N7100

三星 GALAXY Note II外形和S3的风格一样,都是圆润的曲线设计。这款手机的屏幕尺寸达到了5.5英寸,显示分辨率为720P级别,并且拥有的1280×720像素的屏幕分辨,手机拍照非常清晰。

& # x5927; & # x5C4F; & # x5F3A; & # x673A; & # x4E09; & # x661F; Note & # x2161; N7100 & # x4E0D; & # x8DB3; 3200 & # x5143;

 三星 N7100

美 版 NOTE2, 它 的 具体 版本 全称 是 美国 版 Sprint <- - Starting fragment!> (型号: SCH-L900) GALAXY Note II -简称S版L900(电信移动联通插卡使用),由美国第一家CDMA电信公司Sprint定制,硬件基本保持不变仍然配备四核1.6Ghz处理器,运行内存RAM 2GB,支持电信CDMA2000/3G-EVDO网络,联通GSM/3G-WCDMA网络,移动GSM/2.75G-EDGE网络,直接插卡即可使用,非常方便。

& # x5927; & # x5C4F; & # x5F3A; & # x673A; & # x4E09; & # x661F; Note & # x2161; N7100 & # x4E0D; & # x8DB3; 3200 & # x5143;  & # x5927; & # x5C4F; & # x5F3A; & # x673A; & # x4E09; & # x661F; Note & # x2161; N7100 & # x4E0D; & # x8DB3; 3200 & # x5143;

 三星 N7100

编辑 点评: 三星 GALAXY Note II不但拥有大气商务的屏幕设计,该机并且具备720p的显示效果,界面显示效果出色逼真,整机的综合能力出色。

 [产品 名称] 三星 N7100 (改版 机)

[参考 价格] 白 黑 1529 1399 元
[推荐 商家] 新疆 KK数码

 [联系 电话] 13999888244

 [联 系 人] 付先生

 [商家 地址] 乌鲁木齐 中 泉 通讯 广场 负 一层

 该 商家 更多 产品 报价:




Sunday, October 12, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Vs Samsung Galaxy Note Vs Nokia Lumia 3 1320 … – KDramaStars

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 vs Galaxy Note 3



Which of these smartphones is the best purchase for consumerism consumers? The Samsung Galaxy Note 2, the Galaxy Note 3 or the Nokia Lumia 1320

For the design and display, the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is the thinnest and lightest among the three, measuring 151.2 x 79.2 x 8.3 mm and weighing 168 grams. The Nokia Lumia 1320 on the other hand is the thickest and heaviest of the three, measuring 164.2 x 85.9 x 9.8 mm and weighs 220 grams. The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 x 80.5 x 151.1 measures used 9.4 mm and weighs 183 grams.

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The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and the Nokia Lumia 1320 share the same screen resolution of 720 x 1280, but on different sizes displays, as the Nokia smartphone features a large 6 inch display, while the Galaxy Note 2 Has a little smaller 5.5 inches display. The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Has a 5.7 inch display, and a better resolution of 1920 x 1080

In terms of hardware to OS, the Samsung phablets Both have the advantage due to superior processing Their units, Which are quad core CPU,Äôs, while the Nokia Lumia 1320 only 1.7 GHz Snapdragon Has A dual core processing unit. All three devices come with The Possibility of adding more internal storage space by using a microSD card HOWEVER, the original internal memory isn,Äôt the same, as the Nokia smartphone comes with only 8 GB of storage capacity, while Samsung Both units each offer 16 , 32 and 64 GB variants for internal memory. The Galaxy Note 3 has 3 GB of RAM, while the Galaxy Note 2 has 2 GB, and the Lumia 1320 Has only 1 GB.


Both Samsung devices run on Google,Äôs Android operating system with support for Android JellyBean, while the Nokia Operates under Microsoft , AEOS Windows Phone 8 Black.

For the battery and camera specs, the Nokia Lumia 1320 Has A 3400 mAh battery, while the Both Samsung devices follow with smaller battery Capacities of 3200 mAh and 3100 mAh.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Has an impressive 13 MP rear camera and a decent 2 MP lens on the front of the device. The Galaxy Note 2 features a smaller 1.9 MP camera on the front, and thus smaller rear shooter, Which Has only 8MP. The Note 2 Has A Weaker camera than the score 3, quiet but it ranks above the Nokia Lumia 1320 Which brings a 5 MP rear camera and front facing camera so Has A, but it,Äôs VGA quality.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 cost $ 520, while the Galaxy Note 2 is around $ 400 and the Nokia Lumia 1320 is around $ 270 in

Which smartphone is the best choice for consumerism consumers? Sound off in the comments section below.

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Thursday, October 9, 2014

“In the transition from the Nokia N8 for Samsung Note2 I have the … – Ad-Hoc-News (press release)

Comment on Nokia Here for Samsung Galaxy smartphones available from vinophilo

When switching from the Nokia N8 for Samsung Note2 I have been missing the navigation software. Currently I do holiday in Sorrento, Campania and must say that Nokia Here (Beta) More information (road network) provides as Navigon. I think the Navigon trial soon flying from the device.

message from Nokia today in cooperation with Samsung offline map service for Here Android published. Officially, the app is currently only for Samsung devices. About CHIP best apps we offer an installation file for download which runs on many other Android devices. Read more … reports: Samsung previously noblest mobile phone has arrived in the CHIP Test Lab: The iPhone-6 competitor has passed through the first battery and display measurements. However, our preliminary conclusion is ambivalent, because especially the talk time is below average. Read more … reported: I once had less than a year, until the unit because of heat into its component parts caused a Nokia N80. Had 2 “. Was despite good eyes quite exhausting. Before and a few years later, because none of the existing equipment on the market lived up to my claims, I had a XDA Orbit, with 2.8 inches. Gave me never problems that I could not see anything, but often for other people:..-D Bin to 4.3 “, then 5″, a short time again “more and then …

These reports Nokia’s high-end models with Windows Phone had been ill-fated. The Lumia 800 appeared only with mittelklassiger hardware, the Lumia 920 and Lumia 1020 offered a great camera, but were rather thick and heavy. With the Lumia 930 which now belongs to Microsoft mobile phone manufacturer wants to deliver a competitive equal rank top smartphone. Whether this succeeds, the test reveals. This item was filed under Read more …

message from Nokia now has for its navigation service Here Maps a first beta app for Android devices released. Read more …


Saturday, October 4, 2014

三星 Note2 最低 2449 元 新 入网 送 50 元 话费 – 中关村 在线

(中关村 在线济南行情)三星Note2是一款拥有1.6GHz四核处理器的智能3G手机。目前三星Note2电信版在山东电信网厅处优惠促销,给出的优惠价为2599元,在电信网厅活动期间购买该机还可使用代金券,用券立减150,仅需2449元!活动期间购机,新入网用户可获赠所选套餐的10倍话费赠送,另送50元自由话费(激活后10个工作日内充值)!还有超值3G/4G一体化套餐订购,先到先得!亲们快戳这里抢购吧: .

& # x4E09; & # x661F; NOTE2

三星 Note2 N719为NoteⅡ的电信定制版,支持电信的CDMA2000网络制式,该机配有一块5.5英寸的HD Super AMOLED 电容 触摸 屏, 分辨率 达到 1280X720 像素, 同时 还配有 一支 S Pen 手写 笔, 输入 起来 非常 便捷. 在 硬件 配置 上, 该机 搭载 了 Android 4.1 操作系统, 并 采用 了 一颗 主频 1.6GHz 三星Exynos 4412四核处理器,运行内存达到了2GB。另外该机还有一枚800万像素的后置镜头,成像质量较为清晰。

 & # x7F51; & # x5385; & # x65B0; & # x7248; & # x4E0A; & # x7EBF; & # x82F9; & # x679C; iPhone5s & # x7528; & # x5238; & # x7ACB; & # x51CF; 150

据悉,活动期间购买三星Note2的用户有福啦!即日起在山东电信网厅购机的朋友不仅专享超低价,还可获得套餐10倍话费以及电信靓号,另外新用户赠送50元自由话费(激活后10个工作日内充值)。比一比,算一算,电信网厅最划算!更多活动详情请点击: .
