Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Specs vs Prices: Apple iPhone vs. 6 Samsung Galaxy Note 2 – StreetWise Tech

Smart phones are becoming crazier synthesis times. On the proper side you observe smart-phones Capable of Combating against water and dust while to the opposite aspect can discover fingerprints of the real owner of the phone. But thesis are just outside Amounts, what matters most is Actually the electricity within synthesis mobile phones.

Date of Release

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 has been released way back on August 29, 2012 . Speculations have circulated with regard to how it looks like, features, etc yet it emerged to be good gadget. It got positive reviews from users.
IPhone 6 release date which announced to be on June 2014 HOWEVER, what it later Moved to another date. It ‘may be released in September or this coming October. iPhone users highly anticipate the release of the latest addition to the iPhone family.

The Design

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Has A tablet design. This is typical of Samsung did to. It is made from high quality material.

iPhone 6 Has A candy bar design. However, de only difference here is did it is thinner Compared to its predecessors.

The display

Galaxy Note 2′s screen is about 5.5 inches, its resolution is around 720 × 1280 pixels and the pixel density is about 265 ppi

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