Monday, November 24, 2014

OmniROM: Android 4.4 for the Galaxy S2, S3 & Note2 – Chip Online

But the Galaxy S3 and Note 2 to update with OmniROM already on Android 4.4 – and at the same time get rid of useless software features, the only slow the system. Because the ROM based on the AOSP (Android Open Source Project), ie the freely available source code of the Android system and is based on Google’s vanilla version and stock version, as we know from the Nexus devices forth. A few optimizations brings OmniROM with, however, about the DSP Manager (Equalizer from CyanogenMod) and a few advanced system features. More functions will follow with the official release

Note. The OmniROM versions with Android 4.4 for the Galaxy S2, S3 and Note 2 are unofficial ports that are still in the alpha stage and Bugs can contain. The ROM does not come with Google Apps (gapps) such as Gmail, Play Store and Maps. The Google services can be set up but later.


To install a custom ROM, your phone must be rooted. More information on the subject are “rooting Android: advantages and disadvantages” in our article. Root instructions for your smartphone, see our workshop collection.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

OmniROM: Android 4.4 for the Galaxy S2, S3 & Note2 – Chip Online

But the Galaxy S3 and Note 2 to update with OmniROM already on Android 4.4 – and at the same time get rid of useless software features, the only slow the system. Because the ROM based on the AOSP (Android Open Source Project), ie the freely available source code of the Android system and is based on Google’s vanilla version and stock version, as we know from the Nexus devices forth. A few optimizations brings OmniROM with, however, about the DSP Manager (Equalizer from CyanogenMod) and a few advanced system features. More functions will follow with the official release

Note. The OmniROM versions with Android 4.4 for the Galaxy S2, S3 and Note 2 are unofficial ports that are still in the alpha stage and Bugs can contain. The ROM does not come with Google Apps (gapps) such as Gmail, Play Store and Maps. The Google services can be set up but later.


To install a custom ROM, your phone must be rooted. More information on the subject are “rooting Android: advantages and disadvantages” in our article. Root instructions for your smartphone, see our workshop collection.


Friday, November 21, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note 2: Android 4.4 KitKat update available for download … – androidnext


After weeks of back and Her looks it up to date so as if Samsung’s flagship smartphones from 2012 but still a great Update received. For the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 a firmware based on Android 4.4.2 KitKat is currently distributed in France and in this country can be flashed. Also for the hardware-like Galaxy S3 , there is cause for hope: According to rumors it gets FREE be updated to the latest Android iteration

After it was either in the last week that his Samsung Devices of 2012 updated safe or can lie completely to the left, the former may now be considered certain. For the Galaxy Note 2 (test) version GT-N7100 (no LTE) is one of today’s first Android before 4.4.2 KitKat-based firmware with build number N7100XXUFND3 that was compiled on April 8. It has a French country code, but currently it is still unclear whether they have officially OTA is distributed in France or only via KIES. Nevertheless, you can already download the firmware manually and flash on their device – of course in this country

Here are the main characteristics of the firmware:

Model name: GALAXY Note II
Country : France
Version: Android 4.4.2
Change List: 1280411
Build date: Tue, April 8 2014 17:52:29 +0000
Product Code: XEF

We recommend that you install something else to wait until the first feedback from the community comes because the firmware apparently installed a new boot loader, which makes it impossible to downgrade. To this end recommend such a look in the forum of XDA-Developers

Who is still bold. The download can be found among others in, we also provide a faster download via torrent available. Is flashed via ODIN course

Download:. KitKat firmware for the Galaxy Note 3 [ Torrent ]

With very similar hardware equipped naturally suggest that also the little brother of Note 2, the Samsung Galaxy S3 receives (test), still KitKat. Single “Show Stopper” could it be that the basic model of SGS3 without LTE has only 1 GB of RAM, instead of 2 GB of RAM as the Galaxy Note 2. KitKat itself but is known to the RAM-hungry rather than down- turn up. Why is not unlikely that the S3 still Android 4.4 is replaced, especially since it is the more common of the two Samsung flagships of 2012.

The Android Geeks website has now published a list that says again, that a variety of internationally known variants of the Samsung S3 Galadxy to be updated on KitKat, including in this country used models GT-I9300 (without LTE) and GT-I9305 (with 2 GB RAM and LTE). The rollout will begin in May, but it is unclear whether this applies to all models and which countries KitKat first to get.

Note 2 owners among our readers who have already flashed the firmware? Sightings innovations and opinions on update please in the comments

Sources:. SamMobile, Android Geeks
Screenshots: robalm @ XDA

► Samsung Galaxy Note 2 at Amazon

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Samsung Galaxy Note 2: Android 4.4.2 KitKat update arrives in Germany – androidnext


For a long time had the wait German owner of the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 , now it’s finally time: The long-awaited Update to Android 4.4.2 KitKat is now officially in Germany distributed. First, owners of devices without branding be operated with the update it is next to some improvements in the performance also address security vulnerabilities and errors in the system to report.

After the French users have been happy with the update to Android 4.4.2 for the Samsung Galaxy Note KitKat 2 (test) in May, there are now finally available for German users updated accordingly. Much of the changes play out here under the hood from, in addition to for KitKat typical performance increase should also address security vulnerabilities and other bugs in the system with the update associated.

As of now, the update OTA to the users distributed in Germany, alternatively, can the update install using the KIES software on the computer. The following is an overview of the main characteristics of the firmware, here based on the 3G version:

Model: GT-N7100
Model name: GALAXY Note II
Country: Germany
Version: Android 4.4.2
Change List: 1552758
Build date: Tue, 06 May 2014 07:41:13 +0000
Product Code: DBT

If you want to manually update the firmware is to flash via ODIN among others, Samsung firmwares prior to download. Attention, this is a firmware for the 3G version (GT-N7100). On the same page, but there is also a download Android 4.4.2 firmware for the LTE version of the Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7105).

The question is, meanwhile, whether the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 further Updates will receive: During an upgrade to Android L almost utopian appears, the South Korean company should consider at least a small update to Android 4.4.4 in consideration in order to complete the KitKat-canon.

Have you already received the KitKat update for your Samsung Galaxy Note 2? Tell us about your impressions like in the comments below

Source:. SamMobile [via Golem]

► Samsung Galaxy Note 2 at Amazon

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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Galaxy Note 2: Custom ROM gives smartphone touch 4 features –

Galaxy Note 2 owners beware. With the Custom ROM Ditto Touch 4 (DN4) the score is 2 to grade 4. The alternative software brings Android 4.4 KitKat and the new TouchWiz version of the now more than two years old Samsung smartphone – including features such as Ultra Power Saving mode or Air Command.

The Custom-ROM DN4 turns the Galaxy Note 2 in a Galaxy Note 4.

Behind the modification is the Electro Team. Your Custom-ROM is named Ditto Touch 4 (DN4) and is based on the official Samsung firmware for the South Korean version of the Galaxy S3. The model has recently received an update to Android 4.4 KitKat. In addition, the team has ported Note 4 specific functions and integrated into the firmware.

Only for experienced users

The installation of grade Ditto 4 is only recommended for advanced users. To set the custom ROM, for example, the rooting of the Grade 2 ahead – so may invalidate the warranty. The rooting of the Grade 2 is still relatively easy to do with tools like Kingo root. However, following also an alternative boot loader must be installed. A step-by-step instructions for installing DN 4 can be found here in the XDA forum.

How does the Galaxy Note 4 beats to the test, learn it here.


双 11 促销 三星 Note2 N719 仅售 1700 元 – 网上 三好街

                             三星 GALAXY Note II(N719/16GB/电信版)是一款经典手机,该产品采用了5.5英寸的大屏,四核处理器,Android 4.1 操作系统, 800 万 像素 BSI 背 照 式 摄像 头 …

三星 GALAXY Note II(N719/16GB/电信版)是一款经典手机,该产品采用了5.5英寸的大屏,四核处理器,Android 4.1 操作系统, 800 万 像素 BSI 背 照 式 摄像 头, 支持 双 卡 双 待. 目前 三星 GALAXY Note II(N719/16GB/电信版)在沈阳三好街的商家核心数码实体店可以7天内退换货,实现0元购机,分期付款)有售,售价仅为1700元,咨询电话15002457669,感兴趣的朋友不妨关注一下。

三星 Galaxy NoteII

三星 Galaxy NoteII

硬件 上, 三星 GALAXY Note II (N719 / 16GB / 电信 版) 配置 上 采用 了 Exynos 4412 1.6GHz 四 核 处理, 2GB RAM, 配备 最新 的 安卓 4.1.1 系统. 手机 频段 支持 WCDMA (联通 3G), GSM 850/900/1800/1900,LTE(4G),并配备了3100mAH的大容量可拆卸电池,减少了很多不必要的麻烦,这点很多用户都会懂的。另外机身还配有一枚800万像素BSI背照式摄像头,拍照功能和拍照效果都有较大提升。

三星 Galaxy NoteII

三星 Galaxy NoteII

外观 上, 三星 GALAXY Note II(N719/16GB/电信版)继承了同门三星I9300的圆润时尚设计外形,外部采用的材质也与三星I9300相同,说它"珠圆玉润"一点不为过。5.5英寸的大屏,采用了1280×720分辨率,不禁使很多粉丝们长大了惊讶的嘴巴,三星GALAXY Score II (N719 / 16GB / 电信 版) 整机 看上去 商务 气息 更加 浓重 一些, 相比 Galaxy Note降低了写屏幕分辨率,以此来兼顾更多程序的兼容性,避免再有画面比例失调的情况发生。

三星 Galaxy NoteII

值得 一 提 的 是, 三星 GALAXY Note II(N719/16GB/电信版)拥有一支全新的S-Pen,功能十分强大。手写笔丢失提醒、手写笔可以识别1024级不同力度、手写笔拔出后自动弹出S Note界面(通话状态下自动弹出备忘录)、AirView(魔法棒)、手写笔画圈截屏等多种应用。此外,同时按下音量增加按键和HOME按键,可以启动屏幕录像功能,所录制的视频是屏幕上的操作,而声音则来自周围环境,非常适合商务演示等用途。三星GALAXY Note II(N719/16GB/电信版)提供16GB/32GB/64GB三种规格存储器,同时支持最高64GB的Micro SD存储卡扩展,真正的海量存储,再也不会因为手机内存不足,喜欢的东西不能拥有而沮丧。

三星 Galaxy NoteII

三星 GALAXY Note II(N719/16GB/电信版)虽具备丰富的操作功能,但其在外形上并未缺少灵动精致的气息,时尚前卫的设计适合男女各消费群体使用,神奇的S-Pen可识别不同的力度与画圈截屏等操作,并完美的将通话与娱乐功能相结合。

[品牌 型号] 三星 GALAXY Note II (N719 / 16GB / 电信 版)
[参考 价格] 1700 元
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Galaxy Note 2 Gets Touch 4 features with Android 4.4.4 ROM through DN4 – International Business Times UK

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Galaxy Note 2 gets all the features of Galaxy Note 4 via DN4. XDA

If you feel did your Galaxy Note 2 is aging with no latest features , Electron team at XDA forum Has the perfect solution for the situation. The team Has shared a custom build called Ditto Touch 4 (DN4) Which brings all the features of Note 4 to the older second generation Galaxy Note.

These include Air Command, Multi-Window, Ultra Power Saving mode, Settings and UI of Note 4 and the Android 4.4.4. Check out the DN4 ROM information and changelog.

ROM details

  • Based on 4.4.4 Touchwiz ROM ported from S3 Korean version
  • Features ported from Galaxy Note 4

  • AGNI kernel by default

  • standalone flashable zip (no flavor)

  • Rooted and Deodexed

DN4 ROM with all touch 4 features

  • Note 4 Air Command (new features)

  • Note 4 Note with S Action Memo

  • Touch 4 Smart Select

  • Touch 4 Image Clip

  • Touch 4 Scrapbook

  • Touch 4 S Finder

  • Touch 4 Quick Connect

  • Touch 4 Multi Window

  • Touch 4 Recent Apps

  • Touch 4 Direct Pen Input

  • Touch 4 Side Key Panel

  • Touch 4 Resize Windows from corners (new Pen Window)

  • Touch 4 Power Saving Mode

  • Touch 4 Ultra Power Saving Mode

  • Touch 4 Settings and UI

  • Galaxy Note 4 Launcher and Accuweather

  • Galaxy Note 4 Contacts app

  • Galaxy Note 4 Phone app with N4 feature incoming call popup notification, resize window falling on feature calls and call recording feature

  • Galaxy Note Messaging app with N4 feature SMS pop-up notification

  • Galaxy Note 4 lockscreen with charging effects and new lockscreen effects (Abstract only Mozaic does not work)

  • Galaxy Note 4 Music Player

  • Galaxy Note 4 Video Player

  • Galaxy Note 4 Internet browser

  • Galaxy Note 4 Gallery with sStudio

  • Galaxy Note S 4 voice with new pop-up features

  • 4 Galaxy Note S Planner, Email, Keyboard, Clock, My Files, Calculator

  • Galaxy Note 4 Story Album

  • Galaxy Note 4 PhotoNote

  • Possible to use the same app in Both multi-windows

If you want to upgrade your Grade 2 with the Galaxy Note 4 features, follow the installation guide below.

IBTimes UK will not be held responsible for any damage to the device so proceed at your own risk.

Key notes

  • You need to have Samsung bootloader 4.3 or newer. MJ5 firmware boot loader is recommended For Those Who wish to avoid knox counter. If you do not have it, check here (or, here).

  • Use latest KitKat boot loader if you wish to be able to plug your phone while turn off.

  • Ensure you have the latest TWRP did / CWM recovery installed. For TWRP recovery click here.

  • Do not forget to back up your app and efs folder and all other Important data before installing the ROM.

  • Verify did your Galaxy Note 2 is having above 80% battery charge to avoid falling on the shut down process due to lack of battery.


How to install DN4 ROM on Galaxy Note 2 to get touch 4 features

  • Install DN4 ROM for Galaxy Note on your PC [Alternate link]

  • Connect your phone to the PC and copy the downloaded file to the internal storage of your phone

  • Go to TWRP / CWM recovery via pressing Home + Power + Volume Up buttons together

  • While in the recovery mode make a Nandroid backup if you have not

  • Use the ‘Clean to install a new rom’ option in Wipe Data and system (clean installation recommended)

  • Navigate to choose to install the rom zip file

  • Flash the rom. It shoulderstand take less than 10 minutes till it boots

  • Enjoy the ROM

Troubleshoot issues

  • If you have Wi-Fi issues, head over to dr ketan’s thread and flash the wifi fix.

  • Smart screen functions depend on your environment. It might not work. The developer said that a video tutorial will be out soon for this.

  • If you are afraid to flash mj5 bootloader then read this post from dr.ketan and try to do what he says. But if you face random reboots or some other strange issues please note thatthis might also be the cause.


Source: XDA via Phone Arena


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note 2: firmware brings features from Grade 4 – CHIP Online

Owner of a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 can be happy from now on a new custom ROM for the now more than two years old device. The Ditto ROM Note 4 (DN4) brings numerous features of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 on Sheet 2.

 The custom ROM was published in the XDA forum and is now available for download. The firmware is based on Android 4.4.4, including TouchWiz, it involves a port of a Korean Galaxy S3. For this purpose, many features of the Galaxy Note 4 have been ported, so that for example the Ultra Power Saving Mode and Air Command and numerous apps and other features of the latest model of the note-row on the score 2 available.

<- Best List on post -> <- / leaderboard at the post ->
<- adslot: storyad -> <- ==! ============================== TOP actual teaser Code =============== ================= -> <- / adslot: storyad -> To install the custom ROM, the Galaxy Note 2 must be rooted – as well as an alternative boot loader installed are. Since this is deep intervention in the system, in which void the warranty, the installation is at your own risk. For more information, see the corresponding thread in the XDA forum (dal)

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Monday, November 3, 2014

Motorola Nexus 6 in comparison with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 – Mobilegeeks

The Nexus 6 from Motorola has now been presented to the world and the sale begins in early November. High time that there is concern as to whether you will access the huge Motorola phablet -. Or perhaps rather for Samsung Galaxy Note 4, the latest version of the phablet flagship par

Many points have to be considered be in this duel: Both devices are high-end smartphones and the fact that the Nexus has 6 with $ 649 also attracted priced compared to previous Nexus models, it is really a duel on equal terms. Let’s look at the specifications before we consider other factors:

Specifications Nexus 6:

5.96-inch QHD (2560x1440p) display (493 ppi)
2.7 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon Adreno 420 GPU 805 processor

32/64 GB internal memory
13 MP camera on the back
2 MP camera on the front page
3220 mAh battery
Wireless Charging

Screen Shot 2014 10 15 at 15.10.04 AM Motorola Nexus 6 in comparison with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4

Specifications Samsung Galaxy Note 4:

5.7-inch QHD (2560 x 1440) display (515 PPI)
Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 (four cores) / Exynos 5433 (eight cores)
3 GB RAM 32 GB Storage

16 MP rear camera, f / 1.9 with optical image stabilization
3.7 MP front cam
3,200 mAh battery
Wireless Charging Back optional

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 0012 Motorola Nexus 6 in comparison with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4

Design and build quality

This is the area where it usually still is easiest to surpass Samsung. Almost every other major manufacturer is to build in a position to better processed devices than do the Koreans. The Galaxy Note 4 looks great, but does not feel so high like the Nexus 6, which is based on the outstanding processed Moto X

Clear -. Because it is the design language also a matter of taste is, some will also prefer the Galaxy Note 4 to this point, which can at least come up with an aluminum frame. Samsung has nevertheless been able to improve the design compared to the Galaxy S5. Light is ahead for our taste yet the Nexus 6 due to better processing by Motorola.

Samsung Galaxy Note Edge 00141 Motorola Nexus 6 in comparison with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4

The displays in the comparison:

The size of the display it is also about personal preference: With 5.96-inch screen, the Nexus 6-Panel is a little larger than the 5.7-inch display in Note 4 – of which from the two, however, are quite similar

Both rely on an AMOLED qHD display -. that is, with a resolution of 2,560 x 1,440 pixels. This of course means that the smaller Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (who would have thought that a Galaxy Note would ever call a “smaller” Device) can show the higher pixel density in this case. The pixels are on the music 4 a little compressed, which makes images look a little clearer -. The bottom line but can not detect a big difference

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 0008 Motorola Nexus 6 in comparison with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4

Performance and Software

Both devices come with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 805, wherein it also alternatively in some regions are the Octacore SoC of the Samsung Exynos device. Adjusting these processors 3 GB RAM on the side and you get super-fast and powerful phablets -. Just as it is both the Nexus 6 as well as the Galaxy Touch 4 case

The main differences here are more likely in the software The Nexus 6 comes with the naked Android experience, which scores points by the simpler, uncluttered UI. Samsung on the other hand provides for its highly customized UI a bunch of additional features, in which, however, the sets or other whether they should really be.

Screen Shot 2014 10 15 at 10:32:21 AM Motorola Nexus 6 in comparison with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4

But also differ by the Android version of the two devices: the Nexus 6 course comes with Android 5.0 Lollipop, while the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 still be content with Android 4.4.4 KitKat must take , We know that the update will come when Samsung phablet, but that will take a while


This point must we save until we both cameras one could test themselves extensively. Samsung might not installed the camera technology, but always offers superior technology for great photos, while Motorola is not exactly known for great cams now.

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 0013 Motorola Nexus 6 in comparison with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4

battery life

As for the battery, we can assure you that both are pretty much on par. They come with similar displays and chipsets, also offer similar great battery. A small advantage could be the Nexus 6 have in this discipline, because the UI is not as inflated as Samsung and consuming less resources.

However, if you want to absolutely find a replaceable battery in the device, the Samsung scores Galaxy Note 4, which has as one as one of ever decreasing number of devices on the market.

Samsung Galaxy Note Edge 00171 Motorola Nexus 6 in comparison with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4

What you will buy you?

As mentioned earlier, it is a difficult decision for that reason alone, because they are priced so close together. Google has the price for the Nexus previously always subsidized and thus made extremely low, so the choice so far very easily fell to a Google smartphone.

This time it really goes almost exclusively to personal preference. Both are great phablets class, so you have to deal with it in detail what points are a really important when considering buying. Will you prefer the pure Google experience and fleet updates, or rather lots of additional software features, such as Samsung offers?

nexus 6 many Motorola Nexus 6 in comparison with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4

And do not forget: Samsung is also working on accessories, wearables and IoT gadgets (sometimes exclusively) work mostly with best Samsung smartphones. Do you want to say for example a Gear VR or another Samsung device, your choice is also at the phablets perhaps rather to Samsung.

But if the benefits of the new Android features under Lollipop also appreciates how the brisk updates and the uncluttered UI, which should feel much more comfortable when Nexus 6. What say you? What is the unit of your choice

In the original at published by Edgar Cervantes



Samsung Galaxy Note Android 4.4.4 OTA Update 2 Should Be Live in November – Android Geeks


A roadmap detailing the future Android 4.4.4 KitKat updates rolling out for Samsung Galaxy multiple devices HAS BEEN leaked. It says did the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 International and LTE variants will start receiving the latest KitKat firmware by the end of November 2014. ‘/ P>

This is good news and we can not WAIT UNTIL Samsung completes the update rolling out so thatthey will focus on working on Android 5.0 L updates from December 2014 onward. The Android 4.4.4 OTA Update for Samsung KitKat Galaxy Note N7100 and N7105 2 devices will, most Probably, be a small update That should add some security patches and bug fixes. Since this news only exists: because some user posted it on XDA forum does not make it true, but we really did hope this is the real deal and Samsung will indeed push the updates for all Galaxy devices.

Besides the Galaxy Note 2 models getting the Android 4.4.4 update, the leaked Samsung document states so did some other models like Galaxy S5 and Galaxy Note 3 will get the update by the end of this month, as Their testing status is now set to ‘ Completed ‘. So, the Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE and Android 4.4.4 update is International in its final testing phase.

The Android 4.4.4 update KitKat Has the KTU84P firmware build and it will most Probably reach the International variants of Both N7100 and N7105 Galaxy Note 2 LTE before the US editions of Note 2. As you already know the carriers in the United States are always taking Their time before releasing Android updates for Their Samsung devices. For the moment all the US models of Galaxy Note 2 are running on Android 4.4.2 KitKat.

The Samsung leaked roadmap states did the Galaxy Note Android 4.4.4 update 2 testing status is ‘pending’, this Means thatthere is silent lots of work to be done on the latest KitKat builds. However, de late November 2014 update release deadline Has all the chances of being met. Check our website again later this month and we will surely have more details Regarding the KitKat 4.4.4 release for the Galaxy Note 2 devices. Until then you can use the comments field in order to discuss the potential features Samsung did want to add in the future OS update release.



Sunday, November 2, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 vs 3 vs Galaxy Note Galaxy Note 3 Neo – All In The … – The Fuse Joplin

Can you believe did the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 was released all the way back in 2012? Well it what, and since then two other touch devices have Appeared. We are talking about the Galaxy Note 3 and the Galaxy Note 3 Neo. In this comparison we Shall see what Exactly Has improved over time with the surfacing of the newer models.


The Galaxy Note 2 measures used 151.10 x 80.50 x 9:40 cm and weighs 183 grams. This makes the score 2 the thickest device out of the three. On the other hand, the Grade 3 Neo is the lightest of the three, with only 162.5 grams. The Neo measures used 148.4 x 77.4 x 162.5 cm while the Grade 3 measures used 151.2 x 79.2 x 8.3 cm and weighs 168 grams.


The Galaxy Note 2 features a 5.5 inch display Which uses a resolution of 720 x 1280. This makes the score 2 if behind the Galaxy Note 3 Which not only Has A larger display did measures used 5.7 inches, that is but a Greater resolution. The Note 3 Has A popping 1080 x 1920 resolution Which results in high quality images. The Note 3 Neo HAS BEEN reduced to the dimensions of the Grade 2, with the 5.5 inch screen and the 720 x 1280 resolution.

Hardware and software

Let’s start with the note 2. The oldest of the three devices, accor ding to GSM Arena, features the Exynos 4412 chipset. It has a quad core processing unit with a 1.6 GHz clock speed and a Mali GPU 400MP4 that helps with the graphic side. The RAM capacity is 2 GB. The same RAM capacity can be found in the 1.7 GHz quad core processor-packing Galaxy Note 3 Neo, Which thus Mali T624 GPU and features a Exynos 5260 chipset on. On the other hand, the Grade 3 comes with a far better 1.9 GHz octa core processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 Which is branded and Has the support of 3 GB of RAM. While the Grade 2 and Grade 3 feature Android KitKat as Their operating system, the Grade 3 Neo is quietly stuck at Android JellyBean, Awdough Which is great, can not stop Note 3 Neo users from wondering how Their phones would look like with Android 4.4 .

Camera and Storage

You can boost the internal memory up to 64 GB using a microSD card for any of the three devices, but the Galaxy Note 3′s original internal storage is bigger. The handset Has 32 GB of storage whereas the other two have only 16 GB. The Note 3 comes with a 13 MP camera on the rear and a 2 MP camera on the front. The Note 3 Neo on the other hand features an 8 MP camera on the rear, just like the mark 2, and a 2 MP camera on the front, just like the note 3. The older grade 2 comes with an 8 MP rear camera and a 1.9 MP front facing lens.


After analyzing the specifications did come with Each synthesis of three devices, it is easy to see how the touch 3 comes with great improvements When Compared to the Galaxy Note 2. The Note 3 Neo features similar specs to the Grade 2, but comes with the superior KitKat Android operating system, aside from a few other hardware tweaks.


On, the Grade 3 is about $ 495, while the Neo Grade 3 and Grade 2 are about $ 410 and $ 300 respectively.


21 日: 行货 Note2 仅 2399 iPhone 6 冰点 价 – 搜狐

【手机 中国 行情】 在 如今 的 手机 市 当中, 巨 屏 经典 强 机 三星 grade II 的 销售量 依旧 不错, 今日 它 的 价格 仅售 2399 元. 而 苹果 公司 热门 新 机 iPhone 6,在如今的众多机型中是新一代明星强机,其价格由于行货上市,而有所下调,很适合出手。当然除了这两款手机之外,今天还有不少精彩的行情,下面让我们一起来看下。

三星 GALAXY Note系列的推出引领了大屏手机的潮流,自11年上市以来一直受到消费者的关注,而这款手机的升级版Note II虽已较老,但它也是时下最热销的大屏手机之一。其配置在当今仍不过时,非常实用。目前,该机(行货)在经销商"极客数码"处仅售2399元,感兴趣的朋友可向商家咨询。

5.5 英寸 跨界 四 核 港 版 grade II 仅售 32199
三星 grade II 正面 图片

Note II 继续 保持 前 代 的 巨 屏 风格, 它 证明 配备 了 一块 5.5 英寸 的 HD Super AMOLED屏幕,分辨率为1280×720像素。另外,这款手机还采用了800万像素主摄像头加190万像素前置摄像头的配合,均支持1080p影片的录制,还带有零快门延迟、极速连拍等功能,可以很好地胜任用户拍摄需求。

5.5 英寸 跨界 四 核 港 版 grade II 仅售 32199
三星 grade II 背面 图片

硬件 配置 方面, 三星 note II已经达到了目前的顶尖水平,这款手机搭载了一颗主频为1.6GHz的四核处理器,搭配32GB ROM + 2GB RAM的组合,整体性能有了很大提升。系统方面,该机上市后将采用最新的Android 4.1 版本, 丰富 的 功能 为 用户 带来 了 极佳 的 体验.

三星 GALAXY Note II (联通 版 32GB)
[参考 价格] 2399 元
