Friday, February 13, 2015

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 could get Lollipop Update –

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 IFA (38)

Samsung has confirmed in Poland that the Galaxy Note 2, an update to Android 5.0 Lollipop should get. For more information you wanted at the present time, however, not yet announce.

As the owner of a Galaxy Note Galaxy Note 4 and 3 on an update to Android 5.0 lollipop and can look forward to this now already in is distributed certain cases, watch owner of Galaxy Note 2 to only envy. But it could be that the Grade 2 will again get a major update. At least according to the Twitter account of Samsung Poland.

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Lollipop

With statements like these, you should always be careful in general. It happens that employees can travel there from such accounts to such statements to reassure users. This statement sounds in my eyes but quite credible. The message itself comes for me but somewhat surprising. So I honestly would not expect.

We have contacted the official press agency of Samsung Germany, but there you would not make an update policy from Samsung.


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