Monday, December 21, 2015

Red rice note2 “change screen door” Progress: The first instance in favor of consumers – China Network

Bianews reported red rice note2 “change screen door” event made new progress, consumers have been successful in the first instance, the court decision “a compensable back three.”

It is worth noting that this case by the Qingdao City District People’s Court, the prosecution objects are consumers Dixon pass.

Jiamou plaintiff said on September 3 this year, at the defendant’s site to buy the two red rice NOTE2, unit price of 899 yuan, the plaintiff a total payment 1798 yuan, later found the defendant in its official website for the product introduction Page propaganda “5.5 inches Sharp / AUO” and other information actually did not, then believe has been fraud, after the Internet search found that actually false propaganda to screen products.

The defendant Beijing Di Electronic Communication Technology Co., Ltd. did not reply, the court ruled that the defendant returned to the plaintiff Jiamou phone payment 1898 yuan, 5394 yuan increase in compensation for the loss Jiamou.



The so-called “change screen door” is preceded by consumers to reflect, millet official information networks and other electronic business platform flagship store displays, the red rice note2 used should be Sharp / AUO screen, but Consumers get our hands only to find the actual use of the Pegasus screen, while the yellow screen is serious.

In addition, the above described red rice Note 2 platform uses Samsung 13 million pixel camera, but actually it is Ophelia camera.

Millet responded that millet in the official website, the conference PPT, live video never released Red Rice Note 2 uses information Sharp / AUO screen, but in addition to the official website of some of the products and diagram there is an error message text.

From March 15, 2015 implementation of the “conduct penalties against the interests of consumers”, the operator provides information about the goods or services to consumers shall be true, complete, accurate and not have the ” false trade descriptions, product standards, physical samples sale of goods “behavior, otherwise fraudulent.

“Consumer Protection Law” Article 55 stipulates: “The operators to provide goods or services fraud, it should increase the compensation for the losses suffered in accordance with the requirements of consumers, increase the amount of compensation for the consumer by the purchase price of goods or services received three times the cost;. amount of increase in compensation of less than five hundred dollars, five hundred dollars “

Therefore, consumers have the right to fight for the” retreat one lose three ” .


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