Friday, September 16, 2016

Xiaomi Mi Note 2: Una de las versiones se potenciaría con … – RedUSERS

Dispositivos como Vivo Xplay 5, OnePlus 3 y ZTE Nubia Z11 no sólo comparten el hecho de ser fabricados en China; éstos son además algunos de los smartphones que cuentan con 6GB de RAM y que, en tanto, comienzan a elevar la vara de la alta gama. En parte gracias al impulso de estos productos, en poco tiempo cuando veamos un teléfono con 4GB de RAM ya no podremos decir que se trata de un ejemplar de la alta gama del sector. A fin de cuentas, no es más que la actualización de un negocio que sigue creciendo a pesar de los vaticinios de desaceleración y saturación.

La phablet Mi Note 2 que se espera presente Xiaomi podría formar parte de aquel selecto grupo de móviles que ya cuenta con 6GB de RAM . Al menos en una de las dos versiones en las cuales se desplegaría este dispositivo.

Un reporte del sitio Android Pure señala que Xiaomi Mi Note 2 llegaría en dos versiones . Una de ellas se potenciaría con un procesador Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 y 4GB (aún podemos decir que será un alta gama), y otra edición aún más potente, con Snapdragon 821 y 6GB de RAM. En la denominación de esta última variante podría aparecer el término ” Pro “o” Plus “, dice Phone Arena , y podría llegar con 128GB nativos, sin presencia de ranura para microSD.

Anteriormente ya habíamos repasado algunos rumores y leaks en torno a esta phablet aún no anunciada oficialmente. Se dijo que llegará con un diseño tipo “Edge”, o sea, con curvaturas funcionales en los laterales de la pantalla, tal como se advierte en la imagen principal de este repaso que muestra el posible aspecto de Xiaomi Mi Note 2 .

Esta novedad de Xiaomi sería presentada a comienzos de septiembre, señalan los reportes. Si así fuera, no será necesario esperar demasiado para saber si la escena móvil recibirá un nuevo y potente actor con 6GB de RAM.


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Foreign media exposure millet Note2 renderings: Dual camera + double curved eye-catching! – TechWeb

<--- Articles Start -!>

As the time draws near, millet Note2 news more and more. As before millet co-founder Liwan Jiang millet in the micro-Bo will enter the high-end mobile phone market this year, and as of this year, ending the war millet flagship product, millet Note2 been a lot of attention. Recently, foreign media have exposed a group Note2 millet renderings. From the image point of view, double-curved screen and dual cameras Note2 millet is undoubtedly the biggest bright spot. Release date is expected to have the fastest possible official debut in early September.

+ dual camera dual curved  outer media explosion Note2 millet rendered

from the image point of view, millet Note2 biggest bright spot is a dual curved screen, the positive overall impression a bit like Samsung S7 Edge, and dual camera behind the use is completely flat and machine body, no prominent phenomenon. At the same time according to the microblogging exposure renderings show, millet Note 2 will not only double curved screen, but was solid elongated Home button at the top front of the phone is still white style symmetrical design, the bottom of the touch screen and integrated fingerprint recognition.

+ dual camera dual curved  outer media explosion Note2 millet rendered

hardware, reportedly Note2 millet or equipped Xiaolong 821 processor, the overall computing power compared Xiaolong 820 increased by 10%, memory area for the first time using 6GB of memory to run + 128GB body storage. Of course, the above configuration is the authenticity of the information should be half and half. As for other features, the rumors that they will be loaded 12 million pixel camera and support for ultrasonic fingerprint recognition, with Hi-Fi2.0 ES9028 sound and embedded chip, will use USB Type-C interface and is equipped with 4000 mA when the battery.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

10005 have to find a big screen flagship! Millet Note 2 will be published next week? – Liberty Times Newsletter

highlight flagship millet second half of the ‘millet Note 2 “will be released next week? (Source / retrieved from the site PhoneArena)

follows the previous traditions, all of the major mobile phone manufacturers released flagship mobile phone models in the second half of the big screen, and recently in high-end phone market action pause millet, also rumored to be (9/14) released a new generation of large-screen flagship millet Note 2 messages next Wednesday, and possibly first introduced two versions!

previously broke the news to overseas Chinese website has excerpts on the microblogging site, showing millet Note 2 in September when issued (source / retrieved from the site PhoneArena)

according to foreign websites “PhoneArena” reports, the millet will launch 2 different hardware configurations millet note 2 phones, reports indicated a higher-order version of the 5.7-inch 2K resolution curved screen design, processor specifications will use Qualcomm’s latest S821 processor in the second half, and with 6GB RAM. The camera part is 13 million-pixel dual camera module settings, and asking price only 2999 yuan (about NT $ 14,200 yuan), if the report is true, millet Note 2 can be said that the current large-screen flagship machine in the most competitiveness style!

millet Note 2 may use curved screen configuration (source / retrieved from the site PhoneArena)

and another version might be a lower-order specifications Note 2s millet phone will likely use the same big-screen design, but on the processor, memory size than the flagship version will millet Note 2 revised downward.

millet Note 2 computer Rendering (source / retrieved from the site PhoneArena)


Monday, September 12, 2016

Note2 millet equipped with 3D Touch features fly it? – Mobile home

<- advertising:! Info Center banner above the article details page -> ‘.); (Window.slotbydup = window.slotbydup || []) push ({id:’ 2480214 ‘ , container: s, size: ’640,90′, display: ‘inlay-fix’});}) ();

recently, the Internet has spread millet Note 2 the upcoming release, but until now we have not made any official millet respond. But careful users found that in the upcoming release of millet flagship model is useful willing to be mounted this feature.

Recently, MIUI forum users have already discovered the 3D Touch features in the system package, but this feature is currently hidden, should be the model at hand does not support 3D Touch function result.

MIUI millet emergence of this feature means that the next generation of its flagship product should support 3D Touch, but is still unable to confirm that in the end is 5S millet or millet Note 2.

There are rumors that millet will be held a press conference this month, released a new flagship machine. Maybe after 5 millet price is for the upcoming millet 5S paving? Of course not rule out the possibility of millet Note 2.

‘); (window.slotbydup = window.slotbydup || []) push ({id:.’ 2501419 ‘, container: s, size:’ 1,1 ‘, display : ‘inlay-fix’});}) ();


Sunday, September 11, 2016

Millet Note2 / millet 5S and then exposed heavy new function: This is incredible! – TechWeb

Millet Note2 / millet 5S and then exposed heavy new function: This is incredible! 5 millet long before release, there are rumors said it will support 3D Touch features similar to the iPhone. Unfortunately, the final millet 5 does not provide this feature. But in the next millet flagship station, this function should not be missed.

Recently, MIUI forum users have already discovered the 3D Touch features in the system package, but this feature is currently hidden, should be the model at hand does not support 3D Touch function result.

MIUI millet emergence of this feature means that the next generation of its flagship product should support 3D Touch, but is still unable to confirm that in the end is 5S millet or millet Note 2.

There are rumors that millet will be held a press conference this month, released a new flagship machine. Maybe after 5 millet price is for paving the way for the upcoming millet 5S ? Of course not rule out the possibility of millet Note 2.

wait and see.



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another annual flagship! Note2 millet Published exposure There are several versions
millet real machine exposure Note 2: curved screen is bright!
Like Yang Yang and Song Qian points related to public microblogging rhythm?
<-! Ali cloud-related reading 2015-09-06 & nbsp; to manually delete -> <- micro Shinji <- end Ali cloud-related reading -> ! dimensional random code -> <-!! pc end Ali cloud advertising -> <-


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Note 2 coming 3C millet official website is such a basic configuration – TechWeb

<--- Articles Start -!>

TechWeb reported September 8 news, millet Note2 new machine has won the national 3C certification, it has not yet certified the Ministry of Industry, the next step will be to obtain certification of the Ministry of Industry , it indicates that the month may be released. There are also industry sources, millet Note2 double curved screen design.

QQ picture 20160908192055

configuration, millet Note 2 uses 5.7 inches 2K resolution AMOLED touch screen, powered by Snapdragon 821 processor, built-in 6GB RAM + 64GB ROM memory combinations, 8 megapixel camera with front + rear 13MP camera combination configuration to achieve the flagship standards. In addition, millet Note2 comes HiFi2.0 ES9028 Sound + embedded chip, with pressure-sensitive touch functionality and pre-fingerprinting.

Finally, according to friends broke the news in the bar, millet Note 2 launch time is September 27, at the Beijing National Convention Center. If so would you like it? Follow-up reports revealed only wait and see.

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<- Ali cloud Related Reading 2015 -09-06 & nbsp; to manually delete -> <- end aliyun readings -> <- random micro-channel two-dimensional code -> <- pc end Ali!!!! cloud advertising -> <-!

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Friday, September 9, 2016

Error 403 (Forbidden)!!1 body{background:url(// 100% 5px no-repeat;padding-right:205px}p{margin:11px 0 22px;overflow:hidden}ins{color:#777;text-decoration:none}a img{border:0}@media screen and (max-width:772px){body{background:none;margin-top:0;max-width:none;padding-right:0}}#logo{background:url(// no-repeat;margin-left:-5px}@media only screen and (min-resolution:192dpi){#logo{background:url(// no-repeat 0% 0%/100% 100%;-moz-border-image:url(// 0}}@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2){#logo{background:url(// no-repeat;-webkit-background-size:100% 100%}}#logo{display:inline-block;height:54px;width:150px}]]>403. That

 xiaomi note2 x

is expected to be released around September millet in China This year’s flagship phone Note2 millet, millet millet to launch before the end of the Note by many people in China’s pursuit of its sales in the original has been the king of millet millet even better than 5, so this time the body takes Note2 millet more effort will also be hard. recently the Internet has begun to spread information Note2 millet, and today more unofficial rendering Note2 millet FIG exposure. ‘

by the exposure renderings can be seen millet Note2 the exterior design does not seem much different with the previous generation, and the most obvious difference is that its screen to spend a similar Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge curved screen below is today exposed renderings.

according to the existing information flows, millet Note2 exclusive version will be equipped with the latest Snapdragon 821 processor, 6GB RAM and 128GB ROM. 5.5-inch 2K OLED curved screen, but also like the red rice Note Pro as a double lens functions.


estimated price for the 64GB ROM 2499 yuan (about HK $ 2900 or NT $ 11880) and 128GB ROM 2799 yuan (about HK $ 3250 and NT $ 13300)


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Error 403 (Forbidden)!!1 body{background:url(// 100% 5px no-repeat;padding-right:205px}p{margin:11px 0 22px;overflow:hidden}ins{color:#777;text-decoration:none}a img{border:0}@media screen and (max-width:772px){body{background:none;margin-top:0;max-width:none;padding-right:0}}#logo{background:url(// no-repeat;margin-left:-5px}@media only screen and (min-resolution:192dpi){#logo{background:url(// no-repeat 0% 0%/100% 100%;-moz-border-image:url(// 0}}@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2){#logo{background:url(// no-repeat;-webkit-background-size:100% 100%}}#logo{display:inline-block;height:54px;width:150px}]]>403. That

 xiaomi note2 x

is expected to be released around September millet in China This year’s flagship phone Note2 millet, millet millet to launch before the end of the Note by many people in China’s pursuit of its sales in the original has been the king of millet millet even better than 5, so this time the body takes Note2 millet more effort will also be hard. recently the Internet has begun to spread information Note2 millet, and today more unofficial rendering Note2 millet FIG exposure. ‘

by the exposure renderings can be seen millet Note2 the exterior design does not seem much different with the previous generation, and the most obvious difference is that its screen to spend a similar Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge curved screen below is today exposed renderings.

according to the existing information flows, millet Note2 exclusive version will be equipped with the latest Snapdragon 821 processor, 6GB RAM and 128GB ROM. 5.5-inch 2K OLED curved screen, but also like the red rice Note Pro as a double lens functions.


estimated price for the 64GB ROM 2499 yuan (about HK $ 2900 or NT $ 11880) and 128GB ROM 2799 yuan (about HK $ 3250 and NT $ 13300)


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Note2 millet is expected to support 3D Touch function – NEW YORK

<- Baidu_tc block_begin:! { "Type": "CONTENT", "action": "SHOW"} ->

[YORK Mobile channel] recently there have been news that millet’s first curved screen phone Note2 millet will be released on September 14, but also the use of rear dual camera design. The latest news, millet Note2 phone also expected to support 3D Touch function.

Recently, MIUI forum users found a feature called 3D Touch in the millet system package. Not surprisingly, shortly after Millet flagship will also work with iPhone 6s, Huawei Mate S and other support as pressure touch technology.

renewed rumors!  Note2 millet is expected to support 3D Touch  features
renewed rumors! Note2 millet is expected to support 3D Touch features

The MIUI forum users said that he was created by a software shortcut found to experience the latest version of MIUI millet 5 in 3D Touch function. Screenshot shows, not only the name of millet 3D Touch and Apple, also supports open functional application shortcut menu in the application icon on the desktop weight.

In fact long before the release of millet 5, there was news that millet 5 will support the 3D Touch pressure-touch functionality. And now, a time when the new flagship of frequent exposure on the occasion, rumors millet 3D Touch function again exposed, or implied by the upcoming release of millet or millet 5s Note2 expected to support 3D Touch function.

( Author: August Editor: Xiong Ai)


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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Millet Note2 / millet 5S and then exposed heavy new function: This is incredible! – TechWeb

Millet Note2 / millet 5S and then exposed heavy new function: This is incredible! 5 millet long before release, there are rumors said it will support 3D Touch features similar to the iPhone. Unfortunately, the final millet 5 does not provide this feature. But in the next millet flagship station, this function should not be missed.

Recently, MIUI forum users have already discovered the 3D Touch features in the system package, but this feature is currently hidden, should be the model at hand does not support 3D Touch function result.

MIUI millet emergence of this feature means that the next generation of its flagship product should support 3D Touch, but is still unable to confirm that in the end is 5S millet or millet Note 2.

There are rumors that millet will be held a press conference this month, released a new flagship machine. Maybe after 5 millet price is for paving the way for the upcoming millet 5S ? Of course not rule out the possibility of millet Note 2.

wait and see.



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another annual flagship! Note2 millet Published exposure There are several versions
millet real machine exposure Note 2: curved screen is bright!
Like Yang Yang and Song Qian points related to public microblogging rhythm?
<-! Ali cloud-related reading 2015-09-06 & nbsp; to manually delete -> <- micro Shinji <- end Ali cloud-related reading -> ! dimensional random code -> <-!! pc end Ali cloud advertising -> <-


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10005 have to find a big screen flagship! Millet Note 2 will be published next week? – Liberty Times Newsletter

highlight flagship millet second half of the ‘millet Note 2 “will be released next week? (Source / retrieved from the site PhoneArena)

follows the previous traditions, all of the major mobile phone manufacturers released flagship mobile phone models in the second half of the big screen, and recently in high-end phone market action pause millet, also rumored to be (9/14) released a new generation of large-screen flagship millet Note 2 messages next Wednesday, and possibly first introduced two versions!

previously broke the news to overseas Chinese website has excerpts on the microblogging site, showing millet Note 2 in September when issued (source / retrieved from the site PhoneArena)

according to foreign websites “PhoneArena” reports, the millet will launch 2 different hardware configurations millet note 2 phones, reports indicated a higher-order version of the 5.7-inch 2K resolution curved screen design, processor specifications will use Qualcomm’s latest S821 processor in the second half, and with 6GB RAM. The camera part is 13 million-pixel dual camera module settings, and asking price only 2999 yuan (about NT $ 14,200 yuan), if the report is true, millet Note 2 can be said that the current large-screen flagship machine in the most competitiveness style!

millet Note 2 may use curved screen configuration (source / retrieved from the site PhoneArena)

and another version might be a lower-order specifications Note 2s millet phone will likely use the same big-screen design, but on the processor, memory size than the flagship version will millet Note 2 revised downward.

millet Note 2 computer Rendering (source / retrieved from the site PhoneArena)


Monday, September 5, 2016

Note2 millet or September 14 Posted: double curved screen is bright – TechWeb

Note2 millet or September 14 Posted: double curved screen is bright There microblogging users suspected exposure millet Note 2 spy last week, show that the new flagship models do use double-curved screen, but did not mention the machine release time. Now, we meet a netizen everyone’s curiosity. Allegedly, millet Note 2 will be released September 14.

millet Note 2 or September 14  release feature double curved screen 1 Photo

microblogging screenshot

broke the news that millet Note 2 will be powered by Snapdragon 821 processor, 5.7 inches 2K resolution double-curved screen, rear 13 million pixel dual cameras, priced at 2,999 yuan. In addition, users @Kjuma Trailer also exposed a poster shown above millet Note 2 will be released on September 24, but this poster microblogging watermark red rice mobile phone, it is estimated credibility is not high, after all, millet Note 2 Location high-end, how will the micro to announce debut time by red rice Mobile official?

millet Note 2 or September 14  release feature The first two double-curved screen  Figure

Will it credible?

Millet has always wanted to enter the high-end market, but so far still no one can really be called high-end smart machine. Today, the lower half of 2016 has entered the stage, see Note 2 millet outbreak can help millet onto the end of the road.

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