Friday, September 2, 2016

Invitations approaching hyperbolic screen machines millet millet note2 exposure _Techweb – TechWeb

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invitation approaching hyperbolic screen machines millet millet note2 exposure With the official millet Note mall shelves, and more recently on the network millet Note 2 unofficial renderings frequent, seems to indicate this new machine is about to meet with us. Now, there are @WandT mobile technology users on the microblogging broke the news, said: “ah, millet invitation is also fast,” and said: “Great hyperbolic screen, larger than seen,” seems to imply that the upcoming new millet machine will hyperbolic screen design, and has a large touch screen size, so no accident, then, it should be is the legendary millet Note 2 conference invitations coming.

invitation approaching millet  hyperbolic screen machines exposure

hyperbolic screen machines approaching

Although in September, many manufacturers, including Apple will launch new models, but the legend of the new machine but millet no information. However, according to friends @WandT mobile technology in the micro-Bo broke the news that millet invitation is also fast, and hyperbolic big screen, more than seen. It can be speculated, millet or invitations will be issued to the media in the near future, officially announced new millet conference Time Machine.

invitation approaching millet  hyperbolic screen machines exposure

Although it is unclear millet upcoming new machine in more detail, but because of the friends broke the news in reference to the” hyperbolic big screen, larger than seen, “saying so millet Note has been under official store shelf, and came millet Note 2 will use the hyperbolic screen design background, it seems to imply that the upcoming millet new conference should be the protagonist is the legendary millet Note 2.

invitation approaching millet  hyperbolic screen machines exposure

9 months late release

However, users @WandT mobile technology in reply to the comments of friends, it seems to deny the millet will be held September 5 press conference argument, but it did not disclose the specific time. But the message previously disclosed the industry point of view, the possibility of a new conference held in mid-September to late millet, and will be released after the invitations have revealed some of the characteristics of the new models.

From the current network to upload the information point of view, millet Note 2 there may be hyperbolic screen design, and because of millet Note series of market positioning’s sake, so the machine will be equipped with at least 5.5 inches touch screen, also has a physical Home button elongated and integrate fingerprint recognition. In addition, the back of rumors of millet Note 2 also uses arc design, as to whether the dual camera is not clear view.

invitation approaching millet  hyperbolic screen machines exposure

equipped Xiaolong 821

As for the main specifications of millet Note 2, the aircraft will be powered by allegedly Xiaolong 821 processor with 6GB RAM + 128GB ROM storage combinations. And there will be the introduction of standard, with 4GB of memory plus a combination of Snapdragon 820 processor. Previously, the site appears in the run points GeekBench codenamed “Capricorn” (Capricorn) of millet new machine is considered to be the legendary millet Note 2, and because of the distribution of the processor clock speed and step (Stepping) are associated with Xiaolong 820 currently listed vary, so the aircraft will be confirmed rumors in the domestic first Snapdragon 821 processor.

invitation approaching millet  hyperbolic screen machines exposure

millet Note 2 also rumors that they will be loaded 12 million pixel camera and support for ultrasonic fingerprint recognition, with Hi-Fi2.0 ES9028 sound and embedded chip, will use USB Type-C interface, and with a 4000 mA battery. Of course, these messages are all Internet rumors, millet released soon whether invitations, millet Note 2 could debut in late mid-September, let us wait and see.

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