Monday, February 1, 2016

Charm Blue note2 / Charm Blue 2 User big benefits! The first edition Flyme 5 beta firmware release – TechWeb

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TechWeb reported this morning released Meizu Flyme OS5.1.3.0 stable version (cum New Year Special Edition) Firmware , the new envelopes assistant function, support micro-channel and Alipay red envelope so that other users Meizu envy. The good news is charm and charm blue blue note2 2 beta firmware version Flyme5 officially released, also joined the red assistant.


Notes | envelopes assistant

· phone needs to maintain a normal state (non-mute state, non-DND mode), muting is no beep oh

· micro-channel group message Disturb state must be closed, or is not received red envelopes to remind yo

· Mobile housekeeper – rights management – Notification management – micro letter, at least open the notification bar message Options

· Login PC version micro letter client or the web version of the micro-letter, please turn off the phone at the top of the micro-letter “computer log” area “phone messages for Free disturb” switch

· follow the Application Platform-related rules, envelopes Assistant does not provide automatic grab a red envelope function, or in person to enjoy the thrill of it split red ~

· envelopes assistant with the support of Wi-Fi environment silent upgraded to accommodate the latest changes in red features, please know

Notes | charm blue note2 & amp; blue charm Flyme 5 beta 2 version of firmware

· I wish you a Happy New Year charm friends, Monkey and good luck. February 23 Open synchronized

· The Firmware for Charm Blue note2 & amp; Charm Blue 2 versions (including telecommunications Edition), users do not use other models, forced firmware update will prompt damage or can not verify

· Because it is the first version of Flyme 5 trial version firmware will not be a push for the stable version, the whole charm of the faithful can download the firmware upgrade package required. Please click here to view the official upgrade tutorial

· About Flyme 4 theme on Flyme 5 instructions, please click here to view

· update this release without clear user data, to ensure data Safety recommendations before upgrading to do data backup, Click here to view how to back up

· From experience stable version is the version of the brush to downgrade, you need to clear data

· encountered in use Problems can be “user feedback” App submit, or through forums Bug area, the proposed zone feedback

Change Log | charm blue note2 & amp; Charm Blue 2 Version Flyme 5 beta firmware

Change Log | envelopes assistant

· Normal mode: enabled by default, plus voice prompt window through suspension, so the message is more eye-catching red. Click the floating window or shake the phone, you can quickly enter the red list of sessions

· Speed ​​mode: Open the “Settings – Accessibility – red assistant – Speed ​​grab a red envelope” status under the bright screen, receive a red envelope Messages can automatically jump to the session list; lock screen, you can jump to just unlock the session list

· Tone settings: Go to “Settings – Accessibility – red assistant – new red tips sound “old white, Yang Yan, Li Nan, a customized version of the tone of any election! It can be sent with their call information

according to the recipient’s name when sending messages strong>

· Bulk assistant |

Change Log > * SMS Card: Smart SMS upgrade automatically extract key information SMS notification class generates beautiful clear “message card”

· Floating notice: the floating support quick reply SMS notification and copy the code

· Smart SMS: Update Smart SMS service menu, more powerful

Change Log | User Center

· New Independent User Center App

· Activities: Integral grab against the active line, the low integral spike prizes Click here for details

· User level: New user rating system, to enhance the level to get more privileges

· Supplementary information: Supplementary User Support Details

· Integral Center: new integration center to support exchange gifts, earn points, points lottery

· Order management: new “My Orders” page, easy to manage account Order

Change Log | System

· Optimization: Optimization of system applications for Talkback Support

Change Log | Desktop

· Floating notice: New floating inform, to avoid the operation was interrupted

· Multitasking : New card multitasking list, long press to lock individual applications

· Split Screen Mode: Multi-split-screen mode to create a list of tasks while using two applications, you can adjust the window proportions

· Batch finishing icons: Long press the desktop select “sort icon ‘batch select the icon to move to a different desktop or folder

· Shake finishing the desktop: Go to” arrange icons “mode, shake Shake Desktop Quick Recovery tidy

· folder named automatically: When you create a folder, depending on the application type for the folder automatically named

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