Friday, August 5, 2016

Note2 millet configuration Prediction: curved screen + 2K screen impact the high-end market – TechWeb

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from entering since August, rumors about various annual flagship mobile phones become more and more, has been at the cusp millet on no exception. After 5 millet phone released early, many people will have to shift attention to other flagship series — millet millet Note on. Note2 millet in recent days rumors of more continuous, author of a collection of some of the existing information leaks, this annual flagship of millet was an overall forecast, which “black technology” will have it on the millet Note2 ? I wish everyone and together look.

screen was a little cute  curved configuration Note2 millet prediction

● screen: Note2 millet may have bent the

millet phone to use curved screen message is not groundless. Just last month, the Korean media broke the news Lei Jun has access to South Korea Samsung Electronics Equipment Solutions business division president full permanent memory hyun and other executives. We all know that Samsung in semiconductor memory, OLED display and the camera have a strong competitive edge, especially its double-curved Super AMOLED display, it can be described as a valuable commodity. So many of the media have speculated that the purpose of the visit LEI Samsung is likely on its double-curved screens.

screen was a little cute  curved configuration Note2 millet prediction

according to the time of view, Lei Jun, Samsung talks in mid-July of this year, if Note2 millet released this month, then in just about a month’s time so that never used hyperboloid this display screen millet will integrate well into the new, the mass production and a bit too much pressure, so if you use Samsung’s dual-curved screen, even Note2 millet released this month also may be delayed shipments.

screen was a little cute  curved configuration Note2 millet prediction

but let us not forget that another South Korean mobile phone manufacturer LG also capable of producing double-curved OLED screen, but LG is double curved screen patent owner. The micro-Bo broke the news, millet hyperboloid screen supplier is LG. If you broke the news is true, LG also likely millet Note2 screen provider. If Note2 millet double curved screen supplied by LG, you may be able to have a faster speed of the ship.

On the final millet Note2 whether someone will use the hyperbolic display, we also need to continue to focus on.

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