Sunday, February 16, 2014

Balance of the first week: Michael Vesper: "Note 1 for occurrence, Note 2 for Success" - Hamburger Morgenpost

Michael Vesper is in Sochi good things.

Michael Vesper is in Sochi good things
Photo:. dpa

A part turbulent first Olympic week is over. In an interview, Chief de Mission pulls Michael Vesper (61) balance sheet.

How did you experience the games so far?

There were many Olympic moments. We all feel very comfortable. And of course the historic first gold medal in ski jumping was the women by Carina Vogt a highlight.

Overall, there’s plenty to do for me and my team at three Olympic villages and numerous competitions. And then there are issues that keep breath in how the accident by Felix Neureuther one.

Is there an East-West favoritism? Tatjana Huefner raised the issue when she had complained for silver about the fact that the association has separated from their manager Andre Florschütz.

If the athletes an association win in a competition gold and silver and also occupy sixth place, one can not say that something was done wrong actually.

From an athlete a decision adopted by the association staff has been addressed then. But the success of those are right who organized the training.

And generally it is an advantage if strong sledders as the Berchtesgaden have joined Sunshine in the training group, motivate and propel each other. But that does not mean that are neglected in Oberhof. That can not be.

there in winter sports because even the East-West thought?

No, I do not think so. The team is really mixed. Since consisting of Bavaria, many even a curling team from Hamburg from the new federal states, in Berlin and – we are already multicultural. Felix hole father Thuringia, he himself grew up in Berchtesgaden. The mixes now everything well. As an East-West conflict to construct, is misleading.

Germany is number one in the medal count how responsive the competition when they show up?

obtained many congratulations, but is billed at the end. I know that this is only a snapshot, especially since there is always the question of what is the right of the different counting methods.

In many areas it has gone well: while sledding, with Maria Hoefl-Riesch, with Carina Vogt or combiner Eric Frenzel. But it is also not so good run in some areas. You never know in sports, what comes out the back.

reached because the goal of 30 medals?

I say it this way: We are quite satisfied with the first week. Although we have not exhausted the potential. We are currently doing well. Now we also need to tackle focused the second week.

What rating would you give the German team then?

It depends on the tray. In appearance and in the representation of Germany I would be a smooth one for athletes. When it comes to success, I’d say this is a second The team will definitely put in the second week, and at the end is there perhaps a 1 to success.

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