Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bastian's best Bochum Fortuna Dusseldorf against - Note 2 -

Bochum. brought A goalless draw against Fortuna Dusseldorf VfL Bochum some good, but also a well known bad news: The Bochum defensive stands currently, but the attack remains toothless. Significantly: Bochum Best was a left-back. The VfL single criticism.

scores of 2 to 4.5: We have evaluated the performance of the Bochum player goalless draw against Fortuna Dusseldorf

. Andreas Luthe: Had little to do in the first round – only the long-range shot Schmidtgal he fished safely. Played a scary pass on Jungwirth, thanks Fabian had no consequences. In the second round as well as unemployed. Rating: 3

Holmar Eyjolfsson: In the first half conspicuous only by a few wobbles. Until the break offensively not engaged. On his first offensive scene too timid when he decided to Latze edge detached from the conclusion (61) Rating:. 4.5

Marcel Maltritz: Little called up to change sides. Until then, however, also one of the few that are not noticed by at least one creepy bad pass. Overall solid, but hardly ever put under pressure. Rating: 3

Patrick Fabian: Saw twice flanks not very happy from: Only landed a clearing attempt in the midst of his own penalty area (38), then he lost the ball soaring against Latka, the only real scoring chance of their Fortuna in one half allowed (39). Strong tackle against Benshop (54) Rating:. 3

Felix Bastian: Solid part as a left-back. Front and rear committed. From left and from free-kicks mostly with useful flanks. Misguided with rich left-footed shot from 18 meters only just (62). Extremely smooth running joyful. Best player on the pitch. Rating: 2


West Derby, between Bochum and Dusseldorf ends 0:0

West Derby, between Bochum and Dusseldorf ends 0:0

Lorenz-Günther Kostner has missed in his third game as coach of the second division Fortuna Dusseldorf’s first win. On Sunday, the Fortuna came in the duel of traditional clubs against VfL Bochum does not have a 0-0 and stays with his opponent in the lower half of the table.

Christian Tiffert (up to 90 +1): (like with the hoe) produce Dilapidated for a better performance in St. Pauli back into old patterns of behavior, the bad passes and lost battles. A good long ball on Sukuta-Pasu (4) – more came to the page break not from him. After the break do not substantially improved. Rating: 4

Florian Jungwirth: In the central role of the six-man with the most ball contacts at VfL. Trying mostly also safe in the passing game, but until the break not just ideas. Against the Fortuna as a good worker flashy, but rarely as a game designer. Showed a lot of uncertainty for his circumstances. Rating: 3

Danny Latza: but much delivery was relatively unauffällig.Stärker during build up at half time in the second round. Very strong solo followed by edge on Eyjolfsson (61). Travelling a lot. Rating: 2.5

YusukeTasaka (up to 78): The only bright spot on the side of the Bochum in the first half. Two halfway useful free kicks, a degree from a distance – beamed thereby to break all in all more goal threat than the two strikers in front of him. Put well on Aydin by (43). Baute after the break becomes increasingly difficult. Went for Adnan Zahirovic down. Rating: 3.5

Mirkan Aydin (up to 78): Ran, no: trotted before the break forth generally in addition to the game. Had no Torabschluss until the break, but would be better to try at one when he Tasaka by-passing from a short distance again transversely placed (43). Striking inconspicuous over the entire time. Made way for Sven Kreyer. Rating: 4.5

Richard Sukuta-Pasu: His big plus today: He listens not to run on. His only plus today: He does not cease to run. Went many balls afterwards, gave most of them (as so often) relatively quickly again. Quite miserably in his first two major opportunities: A much too weak Lupfer (4) and a fit submitted Header from Bastian’s edge (47). Rating: 4

Adnan Zahirovic (from 78): Came for Tasaka. Without touch.

Sven Kreyer (from 78): Came for Aydin. Without touch.

Jonas Acquista (from 90 +1): Came for Tiffert. Without touch.

Bastian Angenendt

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