Monday, January 12, 2015

Samsung plans Lollipop update for the Galaxy Note 2 –

Galaxy Note II header

Apparently also the owner of a Samsung Note 2 Galxy can look forward to a major Android update. Statements of Samsung Finland According with an upgrade to Android Lollipop expected.

After the Galaxy S3 has not even get Android KitKat, is unlikely to have an expected that after Samsung Android 4.4 yet another update plans. On the website of Samsung Finland, the company provides an outlook on the expected Android versions of certain smartphones – the surprise: Even the Galaxy Note II will be supplied with a lollipop update

With a release in the fall of the Galaxy-Note-series fills the gap between different years on Galaxy S reliable. In addition Galaxy S4 could get again missed an Android 5.0-Freshening thanks to 2 gigabytes of memory and the six months older Galaxy Note 2. On the Finnish side to update plans, the “next Android version” of the 2012 flagship is specified with Android 5.0.

If Samsung really keep this promise, this would definitely be a laudable step of hardware power, there should be no shortage also , A discrepancy is found, at least so, because of the graphic is the current version Android 4.3, while the table correctly indicates KitKat. Also, it would not be the first time that one for update plans later still a retreat makes (* on the Galaxy S3 squinting *).

But we want to hope for the best and also the Grade 2 is despite the second successor still a great piece of art.


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