Saturday, March 12, 2016

Too overbearing! Red rice Note2 maintenance have to sell 699 yuan 875 yuan – Tencent

[ Summary ] user complaints “699 yuan to buy red rice Note2, voice, SMS functions are normal, but WLAN open, only to be told after the maintenance repair to 875 yuan.”

[view of the wall] red rice phone repair than to buy expensive too overbearing

Tencent digital hearing (Mark) If you want to buy a mobile phone red rice, you have to prepare for the future may face high maintenance costs.

Beijing time on March 1, IT Times reported that there are user complaints “red rice 699 yuan to buy Note2, voice messaging functions are normal, just WLAN open, but after repair was told that maintenance fees are 875 yuan. “

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man-made board bending worthy of scrutiny

It is reported that users purchase after months of phone useless discovered WLAN options open, Rom WiFi, then contact the after-sales and millet phone sent to Beijing before the Spring Festival service shop for testing, but the test results is the “man-made motherboard bending, You need to pay 875 yuan maintenance costs. ”

“man-made board bending” stand the test of it? This issue needs to see there is no millet provide certified test report to the user, but the user negotiation point of view, the results may be adversely millet.

mobile phone users said they would like to know the specific detection result, “many want to communicate with customer service contact detected on your phone’s engineers, but also back and forth a dozen times to get in touch.”

It is noteworthy that, user feedback information is the phone to normal use, can not use the WLAN function, which means that other aspects of the appearance is normal, otherwise, have the appearance of bending machines, most people do not take maintenance, so the question is, in the case of the appearance is not bent, the board is how man bent? Or, in this case the motherboard bending, in the end be considered human?

bad motherboard does not need to change the screen

assumes that the test results “artificially curved board” is true, then the screen along with a bad motherboard also need to be replaced with it?

Based on user feedback, the proposed sale of millet given is “Mobile is the cause of man-made board bending was no Internet access, but the host is one, so the internal display and external display screen must change. “

red rice Note teardown 2 online everywhere, looking at the statistics can be found in its two-stage design of the motherboard is more important is the screen and the phone is simply not one, if motherboard bending damage, can directly replace the motherboard, screen less than fully involved, and secondly, a part of the motherboard is broken, you can directly change some part, you do not even need to replace the entire motherboard, the motherboard in the case of sale and requires the user to bend the screen, along with together replace irrational.

This question is nothing more than three kinds of interpretation, either user feedback information is not true, either IT Times reported in error, then, or is in the sale of millet deceive users.

sale of different opinions

Red Rice Note 2 repair than to buy expensive on this matter, the results of the different points of sale and after-sales staff feedback exists obvious gaps, the results obtained after the user detection is “man-made damage to the motherboard, along with the need to repair the screen together,” IT Times and the results from the sale of millet official and authorized repair shop to get the “bad motherboard, you can change the motherboard, not required for the screen. ”

Why different users in an after-sales service, face similar problems, but with a completely different service experience?

So do not mean that a unified response problems millet own sales system, it means that when the user phone does have problems, millet may provide maintenance free, without any problem or situation, human factors may also find a user to earn money wasted?

Company pricing too overbearing

Repairs to charge 875 yuan, the man is indeed under the premise, the price is accurate, and has been more confirm a maintenance point.

For example, official reply on sale IT Times reporter given is “red rice Note2 motherboard reference price of 570 yuan, 330 yuan total external screen, change the screen containing labor costs 40 yuan, a total of 900 yuan, the motherboard bad motherboard can only change, do not change the screen. ”

authorized service point is “curved board can only change the motherboard, repair price is 580 yuan, labor costs 40 yuan, a total of 620 yuan,” but may be overlooked millet a problem, mobile phone repair price more than the price of the phone itself acceptability and rationality.

In addition, for such a high price, “the company set the price,” this response is too overbearing.

High needles red rice Note2 sale price, we got IT168 red rice costs Note2 estimated price, according to their statement, “red rice Note2 uses sophisticated structure, you can open the back cover removing the battery, such a structure has matured to the incredible, so the “structure” will greatly reduce the cost, plus the cost of research and development costs, etc. Note2 red rice should be around 700 yuan. “

that is He said that, after deducting the cost of research and development, the overall material Note2 red rice is not added together to 700 yuan, which opened with the official price of 875 yuan a far cry from the maintenance, and iT Times even get 620 yuan and 580 yuan, compared there will be a significant gap.

also line up to grab the phone line repair phone

red rice too many problems, WLAN problems caused by the motherboard is only one aspect, but also other aspects including changing screen door, WiFi stop, touch not working, etc., and this fact is reflected in the number of birth defects in the domestic mobile phone product design.

IT Times in 2013 reported on the status of the domestic mobile phone has been in a “domestic mobile phone after the brutal expansion: the maintenance user in the queue,” the article, it is the quality of the domestic mobile phone questioned, ODM and mentioned about the topic,

“most of the domestic first-tier suppliers thousands of intelligent machines, inside the main PCB board (motherboard) are from the manufacturers of the buy back program, leaving manufacturers who is not much space to play, “” now platform, processor replacement very fast, solution providers are only a week can make a new plan, which led to the existence of the bottom of the circuit board, process design factors of instability, but no way for brands core PCB board to improve. after accomplish one million, tens of millions of high-volume shipments, the consumer side there have been large quantities of quality problems. ”

Prior to the outside world, some people think that red rice Note3 ODM program includes a series of products, including the use of that, if this news is true, then it is not hard to understand why red rice Note2 frequently traced to a problem .


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