Saturday, July 9, 2016

Note2 millet suspected exposure posters notebook also released this month? – I love the Research and Development Network

 Microblogging friends broke the news last night, a poster, suspected new machine millet Note2 poster. February 5 this year, millet officially released, as its flagship in the first half. With the domestic mobile phone market competition is becoming increasingly severe, millet certainly not satisfy a flagship year, this year’s flagship dual parallel Note2 millet millet may be launched in the second half to be filled missing markets, you may also want to meet millet take the high ambitions . The rapidly changing market, millet want to change their brand image may also need to market precipitated a period of time, millet Note2 can help open up the market?

 Poster 2 & gt; 5 may be alluding than Note2 millet millet 5 configuration, etc. to be more powerful, according to the online broke the news, millet Note2 depending on the configuration will be available in three versions, namely 1080P, 2K and curved screen, may there will be similar to the iPhone or dual-camera 3D Touch and other functions, while there will be 6GB memory on version, although these configuration capabilities in the domestic mobile phone has not fresh, but some millet for the first attempt, if it is likely that consumers will millet Compare buying it. The price may also exceeded 3,000 yuan, perhaps Note2 millet millet is a signal to enter the high-end market. On Weibo, Lei Jun also said that over the second half of this year there will be a variety of mobile phones unveiled, and there are surprises. Rice noodles are ready then set it? Young people can not afford the first paragraph of millet phone.

 Which was also Interpretation 2 are two new meaning, in addition to heat up the phone, and the other is probably millet notebook computer. Millet notebook is not one or two days to do things, there are more precise news that millet millet notebook will be released later this month, while the notebook also has mass production stage, in fact, making the notebook more than the public version of the phone, millet is the only difficulty is to design and mold production.

 Doubts may be left to the market price of the laptop, while positive student summer vacation, there needs to replace or buy a computer, this time to introduce millet intention is very clear, which met at the end of everything. microblogging concern: http: // WeChat concern: admin_52RD


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