Sunday, July 31, 2016

Samsung S7, Huawei P9, ZTE secret, charm blue NOTE2 be “white take” – set Micro Network: old Yao Micro Signal … – gathers microcell

Source: IT Times Publisher: IT Times

a few days ago to work in a bank, to see the hall posted a poster to buy 20,000 yuan of financial products to send barrels of oil, but unfortunately went unheeded. Nobody notice, could not finance, marketing blame it too low, too traditional. But now the mobile Internet era, what is the most interesting to the user? Without him, the only smart phones and both the flow and indispensable, otherwise intelligent life, moving life will be greatly reduced.

■ IT Times reporter Qian Li Fu

Recently, China Telecom’s Orange Money launched a “new season” financial promotions, one-time financial platform on the Orange store the 18000-78000 yuan range, the corresponding available free charm blue NOTE2, Huawei glory 5X, secret ZTE, Huawei P9, Samsung S7 different brands of smart mobile terminals, but also large flow get 10GB. With cell phones, as well as large flow, doing this investment brings dividends can be really expensive.

investment income = phone + traffic

There is no such investment? Less investment, high rate of return; the interest is paid, the principal security. Sentence to ask, is not only of losing? The answer is yes.

Usually financial products $ 50,000 from investment and financial benefits are generally due to get, not controllable risk so that investors can not be ready to face the state of preservation. On Orange Money platform, investors can be ahead of revenue in the bag, and that investment income is not low.

In particular, the user one-time deposit 18,000 yuan on Orange Money platform, 25,000 yuan, 38,000 yuan, 52,000 yuan, or 78,000 yuan for a period of one year, you can get in the phone, including a thousand dollars machine, midrange and high-end machine.

In addition the user can also select one of the packs and IPTV traffic packs two “gifts” in. Package includes 10GB large flow of local traffic, and is valid for 12 months, note, is 12 months, oh. That is to say do not worry about traffic because of expired is cleared, we can slowly use within a year. The IPTV package is included in the “premiere + to see a large” package, so you can by large IPTV will be the first time, the new film a clean sweep, do not have to pay additional demand. Valid until the year after that a few million investment amount will be returned to investors.

Huawei glory 5X telecommunications version, for example, a user is stored in the Orange Money platform 25,000 yuan, you can get it for free. Electronic business platform in the mainstream, and the glory 5X Telecom version of the phone in about 1390 yuan. If the user selects a value of 300 yuan package traffic, then the total revenue obtained by the user is 1690 yuan (1390 yuan +300 yuan), then the rate of return of about 6.8%.

You know, now 6.8% annual rate of return of financial products to small. The latest data Bank rate network show, according to the investment period is divided, financial products, the average expected rate of return of 3 months to 6 months period increased by 0.03 percentage points to 3.88%; the average six-month to 12-month period of financial products, the expected return rate fell 0.16 percentage point to 3.91%.

“The third bomb” more powerful

This can be regarded as similar activities Orange Money “third bomb” terminal participating richer.

In December, Orange Money launched the “Broadband insurance” products, a one-time user in Orange Money deposited 20,000 yuan a year can be obtained free of 50M broadband use right now, this activity Zhuangkuan Dai has been a lot of new users. Following the “Broadband insurance” products, in March this year launched a similar activity, users buy 15,000 yuan a year of financial products on the Orange Money, you can get free Red Rice Note phone or a mobile phone Green Orange N20.

Compared to “the second bomb,” “third bomb” includes six mobile phones, both thousand Yuan machine, there are around 2,000 mid-range models, as well as such Samsung S7 high-end phones to meet the needs of different consumer groups. ?


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