Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 in the Test - Gamestar

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 in the test

Maxi Smartphone with whistle

In the test, the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 to prove whether it can convince beside gigantic dimensions with innovation and practicality.

By Tom Loske |

date: 01/05/2013

Samsung Galaxy Note 2: The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is similar to the smaller Galaxy S3 visually very strong. The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is similar to the smaller Galaxy S3 visually very strong.

end of 2011, Samsung introduced before the first Samsung Galaxy Note, in comparison to the established smartphone competition, the score was above all: huge. Not everyone could do something with the sweeping proportions. Was that just an inflated phone? A mini-tablet with phone functionality, a PDA smartphone crossing or even something else? At the end of the Samsung Galaxy Note bedrĂ¼ndete a new category, the “phablets” – a mixture of Ph (one) and (T) ablets


class=”download”> the topic »HTC One android with Full HD Display »Samsung Galaxy S3 Galactic quad-core smartphone »Apple iPhone 5 Apple’s new high-end smartphone Despite initial skepticism on the part of the customers and the press, the Samsung Galaxy Note soon developed into a bestseller. Many users were enthusiastic about the new possibilities that the enclosed pen enabled entirely new applications. In conjunction with the large capacitive touch screen, the Galaxy Note mutated into a digital notepad. So it was given to the great success no particular surprise that Samsung only a year later presented the successor, the Galaxy Note 2 .

The four cores of the type Samsung Exynos 4412 clocked at 1.6 GHz each, are also two of the Galaxy Note 2 whole GB of RAM available – current high-end models like the HTC one or the Samsung Galaxy S4 offer no longer there. The resolution of the 5.5-inch large display is like with the Samsung Galaxy S3 at 1280×720 pixels. Despite the decline of 309 to 267 pixel density, the Grade 2 always delivers tack-sharp images. The built-in memory can hold 16, 32 or 64 GB and can be extended on request via MicroSD card to another 64 GB.

the software can be seen. The Galaxy Note 2 relies on the very recent Android 4.1.2 in conjunction with Samsung’s well-known “TouchWiz” user interface. It has been optimized for operation with a stylus input and expanded more in the chapter “S-Pen”. On the following pages, of course, we also examine the overall performance, check your game performance and assess camera, display and handling of the Galaxy Note 2


The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 uses the Exynos 4412 processor. This has four cores and is clocked at 1.6 GHz. The performance is comparable with the 4214 CPU of the Samsung Galaxy S3 , where the Galaxy Note 2 works a little faster. The RAM is rated at 2,048 Mbytes quite generous and is on par with other high-end Android smartphones. Even with very many concurrent applications, the Galaxy Note 2 always respond in the test delay on our inputs. Even if we can run multiple apps at the same time and want to keep an eye, for example, next to the still surfing our Twitter feed (more on that later) we noticed no unpleasant stuttering on.

The capacity of the battery is 3100 mAh proud (the predecessor offered another 2,500 mAh) and thus about what other smartphones offer far. Samsung Galaxy S3 is at 2,100 mAh, iPhone 5 even only 1440 mAh. Instead of using only the largest possible display, Samsung uses the extra space for a more powerful battery.

Samsung Galaxy Note 2: Even demanding games like Real Racing 3 make the Galaxy Note 2 no problems. also demanding games like Real Racing 3 make the Galaxy Note 2 no problems.

In daily use without games, the increased battery capacity makes most noticeable. For two days we were able to work easily with our Galaxy Note 2, surf and listen to music without having to plug in the back. Who is extremely energy saving and just unneeded radio interfaces such as WLAN or UMTS off consistently and, if necessary throttles the CPU performance and waives maximum display brightness, light comes on for a period of three days. Videos and demanding 3D games Real Racing 3, however, we need more power and suck the battery within a day empty. In the test we have very quickly become used to the long maturities. When switching to a Galaxy S3, the comparatively short charging cycles fell on us then quickly annoying. If you are looking for a smartphone that holds out as long as possible, the Galaxy Note 2 is definitely the most interesting models – especially since you can independently change the battery even without having to send the unit ..

Galaxy Note 2 transmits both the 2,5 – and the less frequented 5GHz frequency band and supports all current wireless standards. 3G connections dominates the device also. However, LTE support is not offered our test unit. Who assigns special importance should look for when buying absolutely sure to acquire a Grade 2 with the model number GT-N7105, only this variant radios in high-speed 4G network.

GPS chip does its job very well and could easily locate us in a very short time and guide you through the Munich and Berlin Street jungle. The same applies for pedestrian navigation, at least in urban centers. In rural areas, this does not always work smoothly, but this flaw is more likely attributable to the expandable maps as the GPS functionality of Note 2 In addition, navigating with the huge screen makes a lot more fun than with smaller devices. Stick word: readability and clarity



class=”image”> Samsung Galaxy Note 2: Left: The structure of a sub-pixel Super AMOLED Plus or LCD displays. Right: Super AMOLED Displas with PenTile matrix as the Galaxy S3. During Galaxy Note 2 are perpendicular the blue subpixel. Left: The structure of a sub-pixel Super AMOLED Plus or LC displays. Right: Super AMOLED Displas with PenTile matrix as the Galaxy S3. At the Galaxy Note 2 are the blue sub-pixels vertically. The display specifications sheet cut the shrewd reader, at first glance from the socks. Super AMOLED display with a resolution of 1280×720 pixels according to the HD-ready specification results in a screen size of 5.5-inch a pixel density of 267 ppi. Compared with the iPhone 5 (326 ppi) or even the HTC One with Full HD display and impressive 469 ppi, disappointed the display on paper so a little.

In r eality, however

shows a completely different picture. Despite the seemingly low resolution of the Galaxy Note 2 always provides a brilliant picture with razor sharp display and crisp colors. In direct sunlight, the mirroring of the display a bit disturbing, but all contents are always easily recognizable.

Especially when playing and watching videos, the screen shows its greatest strength – the huge screen size of 5.5-inches. Whether YouTube HD or own high-definition video that is itself in motion picture razor sharp. Complex 3D games also benefit from the larger screen area, because despite touch operation example, we see in Real Racing 3 more off the track than on other devices, simply because our fingers cover less from the action on the screen.

reading of websites, the combination of high-definition display and large screen size very positive impact. On the HTC one or other very high resolution devices without entering the font is back in places difficult to read. A problem that does not occur on the Galaxy Note second The resolution is high enough to avoid fraying text and pixels, but at the same time low enough to read easily even at 100-percent-side view.

Samsung Galaxy Note 2: HD videos to make the Galaxy Note 2 No motion blurs it so much fun, all the colors appear vibrant.. HD videos on the Galaxy Note 2 make it so much fun. No motion blur, all the colors appear vibrant.

Compared with the Samsung Galaxy S3 has the screen but not just increased. For while the Galaxy S3 and have the Google Nexus uses a Pentile RGB matrix, use the 2 touch a non-striped BGR matrix. In this, the blue sub-pixels are perpendicular rather than parallel to the green and red. The viewing angle is virtually unlimited. Even at very shallow angles distort colors hardly, but also means that inquisitive natures can easily catch a glimpse at the screen. Also known by the Galaxy S3 minimum blue cast is gone. The precision of the touch screen is on the Samsung’s usual high level.

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