Sunday, April 13, 2014

Galaxy S5-regional lock even harder than the score 3 – Curved

for the known as a region-Lock regional lock Samsung has come in for much criticism at the Galaxy Note 3 and following some devices. But that seems to have the manufacturer is not impressed. The new flagship smartphone Galaxy S5 feature

used again. Too, the Samsung Galaxy S5 can cause problems if you have purchased the unit outside Germany. The South Koreans put in the new model as already in Note 3 to the region lock. And even exacerbate it. In Grade 3, there had been sufficient, a SIM card from the region in which you bought the device to insert and use the score 3 five minutes anyway. At the Galaxy S5 You have now made the phone call with the regional SIM card only once at least five minutes before you can use the phone with another card. The reports AndroidCentral.

The region lock for the first time used in the Galaxy Note 3 had especially in those long faces causes that had brought the device, for example, from the USA to Europe. You could use it with a local SIM card does not operate.

Despite many complaints Samsung is now also on the regional lock. A sticker on the packaging indicates. Above all, you should keep in mind if your you ordered a Galaxy S5 from abroad that. Without SIM card from there you can then do not use the device.

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