Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Charm Blue note2 India officially listed price of 9999 rupees – Sina

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Charm Blue note2 Posted on June 2, high cost makes it a thousand the strength of competing products per shift, recently announced Meizu charm blue note2 officially listed in India, priced at 9999 rupees, equivalent to 987 yuan. A lot more expensive than the domestic price.

Charm Blue note2 using polycarbonate unibody, delicate touch, colors have white, blue, gray and pink four-color options. New mBack physical Home button click to return, press down you can return to the main interface, very convenient.

charm blue note2 equipped with 64 eight-core MT6753 processor, 2GB run Memory , with 5.5 inches 1080p display, front and rear camera, respectively 5 million and 13 million pixels. Openly supports TDD-LTE and FDD-LTE dual-4G standard, backward compatible with mobile / Unicom 3G / 2G networks. The new system runs Flyme 4.5

Charm Blue note2 is not the first product out of the country, of course, we also look forward to charm blue note2 excellence in the Indian market.

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sweep swept away, push the tide of the coolest digital information daily. Scan the next Fanger Wei code concerned about the official micro-Sina digital channel (also micro-letter search: sinadigi or Sina digital).

Article Keywords: India note2 charm blue

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