Saturday, August 15, 2015

Drops a key called millet Found: red rice Note2 delivery at an alarming rate! – TechWeb

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August 13 released a new millet MIUI 7 and Red Rice Note 2 handsets. Earlier in the taxi on the microblogging drops on the release of the card with the posters both companies logo. Recently, with the red rice Note 2 officially released the content of cooperation both at home and finally surfaced, the joint is to red rice Note 2 rapid delivery.

816 pieces called millet Red Rice Note 2 to the home two hours

microblogging original (Photo quoted from Sina microblogging)

The event is called a key called Didi millet, in the August 16 at 8:00 am, Beijing users can play through the car drops App, one-click purchase red rice Note2, as long as the same day Beijing no traffic jams, the shuttle drops within two hours in the red rice Note 2 home delivery .

816 pieces called millet Red Rice Note 2 to the home two hours

had two pieces of millet cooperation posters (picture from Sina microblogging)

816 pieces called millet red rice Note 2 to the home two hours

now drops a key called millet poster (picture from Sina microblogging)

Edit Comment: For the two co-quite creative For intend to start the red meter Note 2 friends can not miss this opportunity, or the like can only express a lengthy home. After all, very few can promise the fastest two hours courier service, the biggest beneficiary of this cooperation drops and millet is the user, you can save a lot of time to get their favorite Red Rice Note in the shortest possible time 2 mobile phones.

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