Monday, October 12, 2015

Andrew Little Prince contrast red rice millet 4c box Note2 how – bit network

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The Little Prince Andrews millet 4c of the box is better than a little red rice Note2

millet brought in on Tuesday’s conference of the so-called Little Prince Andrews millet 4c, starting soon after Wednesday’s sold out, there are already users got this new machine, and sent out of the box experience. Millet 4c in the end to not to force? With the view of millet 4c evaluating it.


Let us talk about the back of the plastic 4C millet, red rice contrast note2 think it will be a little more delicate, especially the touch for a little more thick, it will feel a whole a little better, but even so, a sense still is, after all, cheap cotton, because, after all, a big plastic thing, but also to do something no other special treatment process, there will still be cheap sense, of course, the cover is not removable, if it is available Removing the cover will not be made in the form of a slot.

Then talk about this slot, I feel the work is still very good, at least no obvious loose rock and other issues, and this is supported by dual microsim card slot, which is the number of cards, the students need to pay attention to the next purchase.

Because it is five-inch screen, so the actual operability than one hand holding the red rice note2 lot, in general, work is also good, but still there are cheap feeling.

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