Sunday, October 11, 2015

Thousand Yuan machine comparative evaluation: red rice Note2 / Nuts phone / charm blue note2 / Great God Note3 – cnBeta

Recently, many of my friends have the intention to change the channel thousand Yuan machine to use, but the face of domestic manufacturers a rapid pace of product updates and uneven configuration, it seemed a bit confused, I do not know how to pick good. So I chose this branch off several thousand machines horizontal evaluation, comprehensive comparison of the pros and cons of each thousand machines.

This time we selected four models below, the price of the version according to storage capacity and network system may be, but does not substantially affect the evaluation process.

red rice Note2 (16GB mobile 4G, 799 元)

Charm Blue note2 (16GB Mobile / Unicom 4G, 799 dollars)

nuts phones (32GB Mobile / Unicom 4G, 899 元)

and the Great God Note3 (16GB full Netcom, 1099 yuan)

I believe after watching the video, how to choose a bed of roses thousand phone, you must be aware of. Without further ado, quickly click to see the pictures.


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