Tuesday, May 10, 2016

16G 4G Mobile Meizu MX5 Nanning 1520 yuan now pro – Zhongguancun Online

[Guangxi IT frontline May 6 report] in Charm Blue Note2 released soon, nonstop Meizu released a new flagship model Meizu MX5 , MX4 is compared, both in appearance and workmanship, or hardware configuration, functions all have improved significantly, and for the first time with a full metal body design. Using charm and blue Note2 similar waist circle “Home” key design, and joined the fingerprint to unlock the module, very quickly and easily, and with a 5.5 inches 1080P screen. Built MediaTek clocked at 2.2GHz of helio X10 processor, combined with 3GB memory on the machine powerful performance today Xiao Bian understand Guangxi mobile phone business “Nanning Jun far newsletter” in the market given latest Promotions 1520 yuan (send steel film + phone sets) . Interested may wish to further understanding of the business office.

  The picture shows the Meizu MX5


  Meizu MX5 with a 5.5 inches Samsung SuperAMOLED screen with a Samsung S6 same pixel arrangement, NTSC color gamut reached 100%, more vivid hair color screen, MX4 is compared to its body by the 8.9mm thickness reduced to 7.6mm, with a slight improvement on the handle, sleek give a sense of comfort grip hands, aircraft He joined with the same charm blue Note2 waist circle “Home” key design and integrated “mBack touch the back,” the new action and upgrade to version 2.0 “mTouch fingerprinting” two functional modules. Very convenient.

  The picture shows the Meizu MX5
Comments: a substantial increase compared to the previous generation product in the hardware configuration, the Meizu MX5 value change is not particularly rosy in this era of excess performance, Meizu MX5 in all aspects compared it to MX4 have been improved, bringing the user a full range of comfort of use, in general is a rare currently face, “take heart” products, if you like and need this type of product can be detailed consultation following distributors. Mentioned buying Guangxi frontline IT network, will get more promotions surprise Oh!

[product label] Meizu MX5

[reference price] 1520 Yuan Yuan
[business] Nanning Jun far communication
[business telephone] 13367717105,0771-2852496
[store address] Nanning Republican Road 99, Wanda Plaza Grand Skylight room 1607 16-story building
[shop address] http://www.zol.com/shop_159404/


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