Tuesday, May 10, 2016

YunOS ability to output “Meizu style” success? – China Communication Network

data from research firm IDC showed that due to lack of support of partners, Windows Phone device shipments in 2015 compared to 34.9 million in 2014 to reduce by 10.2% ( approximately 31.34 million units), is expected to continue to decline in 2016, initially forecast by 2016, at a relatively optimistic scenario, WP handset shipments worldwide will be 23.8 million units. Compared bleak prospects for Windows Phone, YunOS made in 2015, the results are exceptionally bright. According to market research firm Sino data show that in 2015 Ali YunOS system mobile phone shipments to 33.1 million units; more than WP to become the third largest mobile OS. But YunOS ambition does not seem to stop there, held today in the “Billion way to have your” Partner Conference, the 2016 shipment target of 1 million units, to further consolidate its position of the world’s third, in this process, or to create a more “Meizu style” success.

What is “Meizu style” success

located in the Meizu Zhuhai City, Guangdong, in 2009 or in the production and sales of MP3 for the main business, until the launch of the Meizu M8, it turned to become one of the first to enter the smart phone industry manufacturers. From M8, M9 to the MX, MX2, MX3, MX4, Meizu by its innovation and excellence in technology research and development on the product design is unique in the domestic mobile phone market have accumulated a good reputation. Unfortunately, after years of development, Meizu in 2014 shipments still remain about 500 million units, even the rising star millet shipments have climbed to more than 60 million units, exceeding its 12 times. This is an increasingly competitive domestic mobile phone market, Meizu almost to the edge of elimination, especially millet cost-effective strategy, which has consistently adhered to the small but beautiful boutique strategy into a dangerous situation.

After all the changes are strategic cooperation Meizu and Ali, Meizu released from January 2015 blue charm began the year in Charm Blue Note2, MX5, charm blue 2, and then the first PRO Series product PRO 5, near the end of the year come a charm blue metal, in addition to the relatively small first half of the conference, into the second half is basically a month, or even two month’s release. Meizu official message from the display, Meizu 2015 total annual sales exceeded 20 million units, up 350% last year, including the Blue Charm series of handsets sold over 10 million units. In 2014, during the two-eleven, Meizu phone sales ranking ninth in all categories, not as Huawei, millet, and by 2015 two-eleven, then became the first turnover broken million mobile phone brand, beat Huawei, millet. Counterpoint statistics show that, in 2015, shipments Meizu is the world’s fastest-growing brand, its up to 360% growth rate in 2015, an incredible “Meizu style” success.

Behind the success of the Meizu has “big hands”

Meizu in 2015 with 360% growth in the domestic smart phone market submitted a gorgeous transcripts, not only to help them achieve counterattack camp entered the top ten, but also let it become a model YunOS cooperation. In the industry, Meizu for outstanding performance in 2015, there are many different interpretations, but in any case interpretation, and one of the main factors that Ali’s cooperation is its success. In addition to the power and ecological resources Ali capital, YunOS “this pair of big hands” in the counterattack of the war Meizu pivotal role in this, especially YunOS Assist and support teams level at the technical level on the Meizu , only the achievements of blue metal charm of this successful product.

Team Support: Meizu and YunOS cooperation before and Ali cooperation has started, communication blue metal charm of this product sooner. This is because the development of a product is not a simple addition operation, plus hardware system is a new product that simple. Ali YunOS team in the hardware product design, material selection, ID design and other aspects of the team to do the depth of Meizu support, especially from some of the mobile phone manufacturers have hardware specialist hardware and software talent YunOS team, on and Flyme migrate from Android to YunOS, and based on the Flyme YunOS perfect fusion of hardware and a huge help.

Technical Assistance: YunOS specifically for Flyme output including security, search, intelligent recommendation, cloud storage, and many other functions, which have a large number of technical barriers to features such as search and smart recommendation is more difficult to put on their own Meizu fast break, and after Ali and cooperation, YunOS team quickly help Meizu phone implements these features point.

It was two teams work together, the achievements of blue metal charm of this successful product. Charm blue metal a week, scheduled over 10 million units, 11 two-day, Meizu phone sales grew 500%, carrying YunOS blue metal charm is becoming the fastest-breaking billion in a single product, even the whole 2015 Meizu in total sales, the blue metal charm contribution can not be underestimated. Tasted the sweetness of Meizu, in this YunOS Partner Conference announced that 2016 will be further strengthened and YunOS Meizu cooperation target for 15 million units, accounting for 60% of total sales is expected to Meizu. It is not difficult to see YunOS attractiveness of large, medium and small brands which are becoming giants face competition in major strategic strong point.

YunOS ability to help small and medium brands Copy “Meizu style” success

Before Ali cooperation and, although called the Meizu brand exposure from the point of view brands but if you look at the dimensions of the product shipments, which still SMEs. But after what Ali and cooperation, with the internet and ecological resources YunOS Ali, from shipments of less than 500 million units a year to increase annual shipments exceed 20 million units, among the top ten domestic mobile phone industry, a real big brand. Meizu Nan, vice president pointed out, YunOS in cloud services, and other system performance and security to more than the standard Android system, greatly boosting Meizu brand development. Linan Jian letter, in 2016 there will be ten million mobile phone shipments YunOS born 2016 and hopes to cooperate with YunOS shipments exceeded 15 million units.

Today, Ali is trying to copy the sample YunOS “Meizu style” to the success of its other SME partners, as well as its confidence in accordance with the following three main:

Article a, YunOS for mobile phone manufacturers no differentiation strategy, but the choice to the manufacturers themselves, the underlying technology and team support partner of the partnership is open. YunOS will always insist on standing behind SMEs, regardless of the growth of small and medium brands, or a big brand to join, YunOS will be treated equally, for mobile phone manufacturers insist there is no difference strategy, to their partners to share the underlying technology, the contribution of team support ability.

Second, Ecology, resources, share dividend policy. Inherent properties YunOS decided that all partners can share ecological resources Ali, on YunOS open platform, Ali accounts, payments, cloud storage system API, data services, are open for partners, these services can be thought SME enabling its products “tailored” to achieve innovation and differentiation. With YunOS push for domestic mobile operating system, the security received government recognition, YunOS also received the Ministry of the five-star safety certification, and into the central government procurement list, even in the operator level also uses YunOS system hardware gives tilt subsidy policy, and these policies dividend Ali YunOS partners can share.

Third, the underlying enabling innovation, so that the potential of the hardware release, so really want to do phone SMEs, large enterprises have become possible. For a long time, China’s mobile phone brands can not be due to the underlying technical support overseas mobile systems, only the surface layer of the UI minor changes, can not provide differentiated services from the deep system for the user. The domestic mobile operating system YunOS a fundamental solution to this problem, not only in the underlying technology to give adequate help mobile phone manufacturers, but also for small and medium enterprises to provide phone support team to help them from the aspects of hardware design, material selection to ID design achieve system performance, enhance application capabilities, and innovative hardware itself, to help SMEs to achieve the “assembled in China” to “Chinese wisdom made” off brand change.

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