Monday, June 6, 2016

Millet note2 able to enter the high-end market? – Donews

 Millet has been “fever” for the brand direction for young people propose smartphone solutions.


 Meanwhile, a series of smart home products launched all show the millet operating strategy, the Internet is the product of thinking low prices and high-quality combination of youth-oriented users, create millet ecological empire.

 After years of rapid development, millet began to consider change. Product line has grown, so millet had launched a new high-margin products to achieve rapid earnings. However, consistent with low-priced products for the brand image of millet can get to raise prices after the market recognized it?

 Millet had been introduced millet note, but did not succeed. Today launched millet note2 able to reverse the situation?

 For millet is, note series targeted than three thousand dollars more than the high-end market. Prior to the introduction of millet note series of the year, delayed the release of millet millet 5. From this perspective, most likely millet millet note in order to build an independent product brand line millet products to dilute the impact of low prices.

 From the current exposure of the product configuration point of view, note2 Samsung’s high-end models with enough comparable, so targeting high-end market is inevitable.

 However, the current series of actions millet view, millet note2 not just high-end positioning simple.

  Why the persistent high-end market?

 In the smart phone market, Apple, Samsung as an industry leader, operating for many years in the high-end market, the brand products around the world. Especially Apple’s brand value has become its intangible assets. For though it is advertised hardware profits millet, but if you can not have a profit-class products, millet will not meet the needs of corporate earnings, so that the result is that products can not maintain long-lasting vitality.

 So to enter the high-end market is not only the internal needs of millet, millet also effective means of enhancing brand value.

 Maybe it is for the shameful, perhaps in order to re-open the high-end market, the emergence of millet note2 again brings to mind the previous generation of note, hastily into the high-end market is the result of defeat.

 The allure of the high-end market is millet pain, high-end market consumer groups generally have high levels of consumption, and so profits will come out.

 Coupled with competitors such as Huawei layout for many years already, brand strategy out mate
 And p series, the flagship high-end market, while in the low-end market also has a variety of products. Huawei millet in order to seize market share, the increase in product lines, especially high-end market, a corresponding product line, millet have to do is choose.

  exodus overseas ready?

 Recently Google, Microsoft and millet cooperation, making millet once again become the focus of the industry. Particularly thousand patents purchased from Microsoft, explained Millet has begun to prepare for overseas come out. At the moment the introduction of new models, can not let people think millet exodus overseas markets.

 Red rice was traced to some time ago to the current note, all show one thing, millet this year will be a large number of product launches. Whether flee overseas, millet product line can be increased to run the market to provide a sufficient number of products.

 The red rice machine located in the low-end market thousand Yuan, with millet series, note millet series offers users the full price of the product, allowing users to have more choices.

 In the overseas market in the process, millet gradually breaking patent restrictions, coupled with Google’s olive branch, millet overseas channels is gradually opened.

 Enter the overseas market is the domestic mobile phone manufacturers to break through the bottleneck of product choice, but also its only effective option.

 In addition to pressure Samsung against Apple, but also to withstand Huawei, millet must go its own way.

 I believe that the introduction of millet note, must be in order to enter the high-end market again. But to enter the high-end market, but also need to consider their own brand image. If the note because of its brand image and collapse, the years will be destroyed.

 Release millet note from the previous generation reaction, millet take the high road is not necessarily a good thing. Regression beginning of the heart, operating millet millet brand is the best choice.

 However, before the introduction of note2, try lipped media through the media may be a good choice, after all, not really introduced to the note.

 From the performance of overseas millet view, millet has been the choice of Google, Microsoft support. And they also coveted the Chinese market for many years, this is not a good deal will depend on market performance.

 Author: Geng Biao | Source: iDoNews column


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