Sunday, June 19, 2016

Millet Note2 / millet Edge then double-exposure camera + curved screen – TechWeb

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On Saturday, when Lin Bin attend line activities revealed that millet will release a new heavy machine in July, which caused the outside world expect, in the end what it is like?

For the July release of the new machine, Lin Bin said that it is a high-performance, high-end mobile phones with the subversive, which in the end is what it?

next month hair! Qi millet two  new machines exposure: dual camera + curved screen

now the latest news that, millet July will be issued a flagship phone, probably millet Note 2, while they are still in the research and development in addition a new machine millet Edge, the biggest bright spot is that the surface will be equipped with a flexible screen size 5.5 inch -5.7 inch between.

next month hair! Millet two Qi  new machine exposure: dual camera + curved screen

As millet Note 2, sources said, will be powered by Snapdragon 821 processor, the memory is 6GB, the whole body metal, high and low version with a version in which high version is equipped with dual cameras.

In addition, more people are looking for, before the message is displayed, millet millet is expected in July will launch a notebook, it will be the first 12.5-inch version , the main ultra-thin portable, as with the Apple MacBook is a full metal body material.

millet upcoming release of new products, which we are most looking forward to?

next month hair! Qi millet two  new machines exposure: dual camera + curved screen

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