Saturday, December 21, 2013

Mods and tweaks with the Xposed Framework -

together Good evening,

for those who do not know it, today I would like to introduce the frame Xposed Word.
Xposed is an app that can be integrated in the different modules.
This allows for individualization of the device without any of these things
to flash via Recovery

What you need:.
– A gerootetes Android device

How To:
1 – Xposed Installer >>> HERE <<< download and play on your device
2 – Install the downloaded apk file
3 -. Xposed open application  Framework Install / Update
4 – Reboot
5 – modules >>> HERE <<< to download and install
6 – Open the application Xposed modules hack to set module
7 – Reboot

There are now over 100 modules, which really nice features
offers and upgrade your device accordingly. I use, for example, the
module “Wanam Xposed”
This provides a lot of setting in the module. From the functioning
Call Recording via various battery show to be switched off
boat sound anything your heart desires.
All functions can be found >>> HERE <<<

I am very satisfied with this kind of modding. It is very simple, you
no longer any mods on the net together and looking
has more features as one could wish for in an application. It
is definitely worth a look.

And remember, these frameworks are very powerful and the use
is of course at your own risk

About a lot of feedback I would be happy

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