Gets the Samsung Galaxy S3 at this time a patch for Android 4.3 Jelly Bean | © Samsung
Perhaps corrected Samsung Android 4.3 for the Galaxy S3 with a patch: A 25 MB file is rolled out apparently. Galaxy Note 2 users are still waiting for Android 4.3.
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For some weeks now await many Samsung Galaxy S3 – and also Galaxy Note 2 – Owner with respect to the outstanding Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update of things
most of them anyway, because: In neighboring countries such as Switzerland and Austria many users already have the firmware download Android 4.3 – and also in this country told us some users that they already had access to the firmware. Images that were sent to us, let no doubt. Although calls were loud in the comments, if they were imported equipment, but even after demand has been asserted that the Galaxy S3 was bought in this country.
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Anyway: Apparently Samsung now trying at least once those users who have Android 4.3 already played on their Galaxy S3 to appease a little: Apparently rolls of the IT giant a patch. This is supported by at least screenshots that were kindly sent to us.
It is once again the so-called and widely used in Europe “international version” of the Galaxy S3. The build date is from the 28th November and the patch has a manageable size of around 25 MB.
Officially announcedhas not Samsung this little update. The screenshots can be found, however, that previously had Android 4.3 up-played on the Galaxy S3. Now, of course, can philosophize about whether there might be the security package Knox “later” was. Or maybe it was actually filmed already in some screws to fix the problems. Once again it must also be recalled that not all Samsung Galaxy S3 users on Android 4.3 – so because they could already play the firmware – complain. Problems, such as a battery quickly be unloaded, a tough home screen or a total sedate behavior of the operating system does not seem to be reflected on all mobile companions.
New Build Date
In recent days, also attended numerous references to rollouts with Samsung Live updates for eddy: For Galaxy Note 2 was massively rolled out Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean about the phablet. First, it was speculated whether Samsung might “plays it safe” and distributed the old firmware. But it turned out that the hoster has been removed from the network and thus the archive had to be simply restored.
Android 4.3 will be further distributed these days in the rest considered globally, in the United States are now almost all network operators on board, after Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile have already provided for the Galaxy S3 available firmware. But even here last reported user about problems after the update.
Regarding the Galaxy Note 2, however, the rollout last came to a halt – after the first of the countries of India and Canada were honored with the update
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Especially during the festive season is to assume that Samsung pushes the tube, because: Without Android 4.3 is the SmartWatch Galaxy Gear neither compatible with the Galaxy S3 still the Grade 2
Once there are details on all of Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update for the Samsung Galaxy S3 and Note 2, or should we get more hints subject of the patch, we will promptly report to . ‘ / p>
What do you think: Rolls Samsung Android 4.3 before Christmas coverage for the Galaxy S3 and Note 2, in order to boost sales of the SmartWatch Galaxy Gear? In addition, the question: Be ye also provide an indication of a patch, so for you – have already runs Android 4.3 – above all in Switzerland and Austria? We are grateful for your views and advice.
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