Thursday, December 19, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3: update to Android 4.4 KitKat ... - Androidnext

19.12.2013, 09:52 clock


Hardly have the previous models Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2 will receive their respective updates to Android 4.3 Jelly Bean, Samsung is already working hard on a Android 4.4 KitKat Update for its current flagship Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3 – to notify the French mobile network operator SFR. the end of January, but no later than the beginning of February to both the smartphone and the phablet be supplied with the latest dessert from Mountain View.

While Samsung phablet in faux leather look, the Galaxy Note 3 (Test), is equipped from the factory with Android 4.3, the Galaxy S4 (test) can look back on the first update – in October, the smartphone of Android 4.2.2 was on Android 4.3 update. Your next update to both devices now receive about the same time, as the French mobile operator SFR has announced on its website. Both models will be supplied with their update Android 4.4 KitKat with SFR-branding between late January and early February 2014. It is concluded that at least also get devices without vendor branding at a similar time you update.

samsung-galaxy-s4-top sensors

samsung-galaxy-s4-top sensors

Samsung’s statement was so far neither confirmed nor denied. We look still skeptical on the announcement, lost SFR at last with the assertion that the LG G2 supplied will in November or December as well with Android 4.4, on credibility – According to LG, the global update will take place in March. In addition, Samsung is working according to its own reports in mind for future updates to revise its TouchWiz software and make it slimmer. We could well imagine that these optimizations are distributed with the also optimized for resource conservation Android 4.4 – but only at a later time


you coming on your score 3 or Galaxy S4 4.3 cope with Android or longs ye an early update brought about? Did you even helped along by yourself via custom ROM? Share your experience with us in the comment section.

Source: SFR [via N-Droid]

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