Samsung Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2: Will be Android 4.3 but ended up in the final meters in 2013 on all versions | © Samsung
Samsung? rolling this Monday massively Android 4.3 Jelly Bean for the Samsung Galaxy S3 and Note 2 – even for the Galaxy S3 GT-I9300 in Brazil. Hope for Germany?
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Almost simultaneously today Android 4.3 Jelly Bean for the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7100) and for the Samsung Galaxy S3 (GT-I9300) rolled out – each on the international version. “It works!”, Like many Galaxy disciples in this country think.
But: The speech is not of Germany but of Brazil. The update makes wave thus not only against Brazil in South America hold – even in Europe is rolled out one day before Christmas Android 4.3. So was about the launch in Croatia, there for the Galaxy S3 LTE (GT-I9305).
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in Germany already have many Galaxy S3 LTE users, the Android 4.3 update relate – free devices and devices with Vodafone branding are concerned with the firmware. But Telekom announced in the last week in their support forum with that Android 4.3 is being rolled out for the Galaxy S3 LTE in Germany only in 2014.
Now ask yourself whether the current developments might also users of the Galaxy S3 GT-I9300: boxing are Andy later this year to Germany through – ie Android 4.3 is being rolled out? Well, probably knows this only Samsung. But even today Monday shows that the South Koreans are a true global player. Worldwide, the updates need to be rolled out. That this happens gradually, it is understood the server would probably otherwise go on strike.
Why now one or the other country receives the privilege can only speculate about it – and is certainly not productive. Of course, everybody has already geunkt, important markets but just were important because some customer has perhaps even toyed with the idea to put a SmartWatch Galaxy Gear under the Christmas tree. But: Probably Samsung has itself recognized that this train has left. In addition, keep quite persistent rumors that in the spring a second edition of the Galaxy Gear to be refilled. Anyway: No Android 4.3 SmartWatch is compatible neither with the Galaxy Note 2 nor with the Galaxy S3
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While Android 4.3 thus a bit surprising on the Galaxy Note 2 – on the international version with and without LTE – spreads quite fast, the Galaxy S3 is sometimes at the back. This is likely to be widespread, the Galaxy S3 GT-I9300. Maybe should first test balloons are launched.
Whether Meanwhile, Android 4.3 is now actually on the Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy S3 is stable, is still arguing about it discreetly, not only on . First of all, it must be noted: The big bugs are off the table. The battery discharges, according to opinions of many users no longer as fast as still under the first Android 4.3 version. Also the home screen no longer hangs and apps can be without “noticeable” delay start.
But still it hooks here and there – and some users put in the comments on – loosely translated – and rightly so, the question: Is an update really mature when (many) can not send pictures from the gallery or the lock screen can not be adjusted?
the battery power can also contact us different information. Cheer The one, the others are still hesitant with their assessments. But apparently has at least some Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy S3 users improves the battery life compared to Android 4.1.2.
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First Samsung had about a week ago started to distribute a 20 MB patch in those countries where Android 4.3 was rolled out in November. But after also followed a large bug fix update. Customers in Switzerland or Austria could rejoice: your smartphone is fully operational again
In October, Samsung announced the rollout of Android 4.3 for the Galaxy S4 Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2. But it was followed by an almost unprecedented series of mishaps. After massive protests from England, Ireland, or even the neighboring countries Austria and Switzerland, the rollout was summarily suspended again. Meanwhile, Samsung has reworked and distributed Android 4.3 Jelly Bean worldwide.
Since this morning so because in Brazil. And Galaxy S3 GT-I9300 disciples in this country count the hours. Maybe Santa has the update in the luggage. Except, of course, Samsung continues its servers over the holiday down. reserves the Android update situation even over the holidays in mind.
What do you think: Achieved the Android 4.3 update, the Galaxy S3 GT-I9300 in this country later this year? And how are the estimates of all those who have Android 4.3 has been playing up on their Galaxy Note Galaxy 2 or S3? We are grateful for any feedback. We wish you a Merry Christmas.
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