Friday, June 7, 2013

InkCase of Gajah for iPhone 5 & Galaxy Note 2 [Video] -

InkCase, via mobilegeeks Gajah has shown at Computex an e-ink case, the InkCase for iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy Note second It extends the smartphone to an e-ink screen on the back. Except for a few details, there are no differences between the cases for Apple and Samsung.

iPhone 5-shell dissolves 3.5 inches with 360 x 600 pixels on, is equipped with Bluetooth 4.0 and is expected to cost $ 99. The larger Samsung Galaxy Note 2 variant of InkCase comes with a 4.3 inch display (600 x 800 pixels) and Bluetooth 2.1 so. It should cost $ 129. First, the InkCase is brought to the market for the Note 2 in China and Malaysia, depending on the success is also an issue for the Samsung’s flagship Galaxy S4 planned. When and if it creates the body also is not clear to us.

InkCase is to “secure” for example, images or other information shortly before the end of the battery. But much more interesting might be the opportunity to make his case individually and variable.

[via engadget]

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