Saturday, September 28, 2013

Samsung cracks with the Galaxy Note and Galaxy Note 2, the 40-million mark - Mobilegeeks

Samsung announces

, how often has the Galaxy Note and the Galaxy Note 2 sold: Whopping 40 million copies of phablets could get among the people, the Koreans to date


cracks Samsung with the Galaxy Note and Galaxy Note 2, the 40-million mark

With the Samsung Galaxy Note has the time opened the door to a whole new market far invented the “phablet ‘own product line. While we initially thought that these giants Klopper serve only a niche audience, it turned out quickly that people have waited so seemingly accurate to a device.

Now they have announced on the edge of the Galaxy Note 3-launch are in Taiwan, what it looks like in raw numbers and know these numbers to impress: Whopping 40 million units in total one has yet been able to settle. And of those 40 million, accounting for 30 million alone on the Galaxy Note 2

Thus we see not only how successful phablets can be sold now, but also shows how dramatically tightened the numbers from the first to the second Galaxy Note. I can hardly imagine that the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 would be satisfied with less and it could be that the Koreans with the device now published an put it again.


Samsung launches Galaxy Note now already the third, has also thrown in the middle-class segment of its product on the market and this is all before any competitor has only half found in the phablet track. But now we have some high-class Galaxy Note competitor on the market and I’m excited to see how the numbers develop here compared to Samsung.

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