Saturday, September 28, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S3, S4 & Note 2 - testing the Android 4.3 updates have ... - Android Magazine

still waiting users of the Galaxy S3, S4, and Note 2 to the Android 4.3 update. In several ways has already confirmed that the update is skipped on Android 4.2 and the latest version will land directly on the devices. What we experienced last year with the Galaxy S2 is now done with the Galaxy S3 and Note 2 The testing phase should now be attained, but nevertheless remains a stale aftertaste.

While the Galaxy Note 3 shipped with Android 4.3, the previous and even the current flagship smartphone Galaxy S4 to wait for the update. Even when Android 4.2.2 update now skipped, there were several problems which the rollout had to be postponed. So it was already in the upcoming update. First they wanted directly to the Unpacked Event Episode 2 roll out the update to all supported devices. This promise is now almost a month ago and it is still unfortunately nothing happened. It seems to us as Samsung would follow a particular strategy, but more on that later.

SamMobile also claimed that the Galaxy S4, first, that come to mid-October, to enjoy the Android 4.3 update. The end of October or beginning of November is to follow the Galaxy S3 finally released. Updates for the Galaxy Note 2 will give it only to the beginning of December. We are sure we highly likely that this plan should be used to update other grade 3 or Galaxy S4 for sale.


The strategy behind it is not new, but still no finer train from Samsung. You delay the update – here on Android 4.3 – also always on. Thus, the users of older devices will have to wait longer and have – in good German – sometime fed up and buy the new device. New smartphones are always advertised with new features, though Samsung also on older device timely updates would be distributed now, the predecessor would also of course get the nine functions and the new device, in this case the Galaxy S4 and grade 3, had no USP.

We now want to start a witch hunt against Samsung, but our experiences show that Samsung for several years pursuing this strategy. Therefore you should not buy a Samsung device, if you put a high value on current updates. Then one is currently suspended much better with HTC and Sony.

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