Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Android 4.3 could come soon for the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 - Giga.de

is yes, but also about time! While Samsung Galaxy S4 already being supplied with the update to 4.3, owners of the Galaxy Note 2 must continue to persevere. But the wait should be over within the next 2 months.


the Galaxy S3 is already equipped with the update to Android 4.3, but so far the score 2 was still neglected. Now the update is but become accessible in Samsung Service Center and so is already a first note 2 owners (in India) via a local service center came into possession of the newer Android version. Accordingly, it should now so do not take too long before we here (and I am thinking also me personally, since I myself have a rating 2) get the update.

4.3 and the Galaxy Gear for grade 3, the Galaxy and the Galaxy S3 S4 is then used so far is only the Grade 3 compatible with Samsung Smart Watch.

Source: SamMobile

Finally. Now I’m curious, w ith long this will take, but it should not be so long. I hope.

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