Sunday, November 3, 2013

Rating 2-3 for Beverunger villages - Neue Westfälische

seniors evaluates complex network survey in the ten places of the city / Surprising results


Beverungen. Over a period of one and a half years the members of the association Beverunger senior network were traveling in the ten villages of the city. Have cleaned volunteer working in teams of two latches. From door to door, at 2,491 addresses. To find out what people miss in three different age groups from under 50 to over 70 years in the villages, which they are satisfied or not satisfied with what they want: The senior network Beverungen this intensive survey now evaluated. An actual state of the situation in the villages. Is come out amazing.

Among other high marks: “. Respondents distributed for places grades between minus 2 to 3 Rothe and smooth in Drenke you are obviously not satisfied with the living conditions in the villages,” stated Chairman Dr. Hans-Henning Kubusch

Furthermore, assessed as 60 percent of medical care as well. He protested against panic anyway and disaster scenarios because of forecasts for demographic changes that will make the city particularly hard Beverungen. “It’s a realistic scenario.” The Ungers of dedicated Bever believes offer opportunities. “First, think and think things through before you scream out loud, holding up signs and a little overwhelmed.” How do you handle the power in the elderly: short distances, simple processes and small ideas that bring fast results. Even in small things. It was important as the Chairman emphasized that the seniors felt taken seriously (from 55 years)

Based on this data now collected -. “, A status quo that may have changed completely in five or ten years” – hope you look at a broad public discussion in political bodies as well as in the social groups, says Kubusch. “Let us We’re working as a senior network with 40 network partners like our well supply the material and we are always on hand to make the policy no rules, but give them the handout:… Beverungen How We Roll”

A important topic of the survey was the Bürgerbus. Result: Free unfeasible, even with a stop right outside the front door like a call taxi. A huge problem in urban public transport: The mobility evenings or weekends – which in turn an effect on visiting cultural events. But they have also wishes to the city – 543 answered this question in the affirmative, 529 with No: First, the local design is with 131 responses, it follow seniors support (85), transport improvement (71) Child and Youth Development (58), and health care (41). More than 50 percent talk on the concrete question of a village shop from – not only to supply, white Kubusch:

“village shops are also communication center in the villages.” For pure power, there is Beverungen even a delivery service, ordered food at the phone and then brought home. An offer that will all too rarely accepted, say Kubusch and the second President Anita Oppermann: “More than 93 percent of people have never taken it to complete.” Perhaps it is still too little known.

As for the people missing? This was one of the 23 questions, which – unlike a 2008 survey by the Center for Civil Society Development (ZZE) – were tailored exactly to the Beverunger village realities. More than a third has not indicated or said they lacked nothing. Where something is missing, the shopping, the bank branch / ATM and the local public transport are high on the list of missing persons. . Significant was the high number of one-person households in the villages: only 575 to 492 multi-person households

has become clear in the interview also, that many physical ailments – from dexterity to, see you on the usage of cane walker – reluctantly admit. And to family caregivers in the household “do not talk to,” said Kubusch.

On Tuesday, 5th November, by 18 clock the next network meeting will be held at St. John Baptist retirement home. Then it is among other things the day of Generations 2014.

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