The Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update for the Samsung Galaxy S3 will be rolled out: First, in Ireland, in Switzerland since yesterday – today follows the distribution of the firmware in Germany
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The Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update is distributed in Europe. For three days, rising white smoke on – but nor does Andy, the little green robot males by Google Germany scarce. Incidentally, in the U.S., where it was also reported to roll out in the tranquil Ireland.
First, the network operators such as Vodafone has begun on the green island thus cheerfully distribute to the Galaxy S3 disciple the new Android 4.3 firmware. Yesterday the update then moved even closer to the Federal Republic ran, Swisscom in Switzerland introduced the new firmware to download.
But the live updates page Samsung has so far given no other countries – so the question remains: When will the rollout of Android 4.3 will start in this country? It is also not yet clear when the starting gun 2 update begins for the Galaxy Note. Also the phablet to receive the firmware according to Samsung yet this November. And not just any, but also Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. Interestingly, obtained in the Netherlands today, the Samsung Galaxy Note update to Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean. Crazy how sometimes delayed the rollout of Android versions across the stage goes.
But all that if its stock Android device go into raptures: While the Nexus devices, especially the brand new LG Nexus 5, as well as the Google Play Editions of Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One always within a few days after the performance considered with the new firmware. But Google announced late last week that the update support for stock Android devices after 18 months ends. That means: The Samsung Galaxy Nexus receives no update to Android 4.4. And even though the unit is two years old just once.
? Samsung Galaxy Note 3 in the store test: A giant
those new “KitKat” version, meanwhile, the Galaxy S3 is still a whole pieces away – so first Android 4.3 is everywhere, namely distributed for free devices and for devices with branding. In relation to November Samsung seems thus to actually keep their word. Another “consoling” would certainly not have been the best solution.
Android 4.3: Great anticipation?
The expectation is immense, including the South Korean IT giant Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean was unceremoniously canceled if coordination problems with TouchWiz for the Galaxy S3 and Note 2, while the new Galaxy S4 along with Android 4.2.2 to the end of April market came. For weeks, there was ambiguity in the summer, when and if that version of Android for now would follow next for the 2012 flagships.
Althoughwith Vodafone and Swisscom have now started the rollout of Android 4.3 system operators, many colleagues, some of t3n , still believe that this country first Galaxy S3 devices without branding with the Update to be considered. Although this would have been our guess – but there is not a safety course. Not in relation to the Samsung Galaxy Note 2
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still way does not seem finished singing, whether the new safety Samsung Knox now 4.3 firmware will be rolled out with in the context of Android, or whether it will be submitted as part of a separate update. Recently it was said that integration depends on the device type. Soon we will also have certainty in this regard.
Otherwise, the support with the SmartWatch Galaxy Gear ensures there is a new keyboard (virtual, of course) and numerous optical adjustments are also on board. The fear that could fall under the table many features that were “delivered” 4.3 update for the Galaxy S 4 in the Android has, meanwhile not been confirmed.
Once the firmware is made in this country smoke available, we would appreciate feedback from users are satisfied: Blogging the update without a hitch? What features fall as the first eye
Once again the file should be downloaded via PC software or gravel comfortable OTA (“over the air”). And why Samsung launches the update is not simultaneously in all European countries? Well, in the past week while a final test firmware of Android 4.3 for the Samsung Galaxy S3 leaked. However, this has yet to be final adjusted by the network operators. Furthermore, an update is always rolled in several waves, in order to prevent collapse of the server.
Once there is news about the update, we will report promptly to .
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