Friday, November 22, 2013

Samsung Galaxy Note 2: Update to Android 4.3 without grade 3 Features -

During the update of the Samsung Galaxy S3 was a small disaster (S3 update is suspended) seems to run everything right the big brother. The Galaxy Note 2 just gets Android 4.3 update in India, the official firmware can also be downloaded directly already.

owner of the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 had been grudgingly the version jump from 4.1.2 to Android 4.3 wait. Samsung had just 4.2 skipped and directly wait for the new version. Advantage: The performance should be terrific and you get the latest software on your phablet


Samsung Galaxy Note 2 update 4.3 download

Theoretically you could so come look directly at SamMobile and you download the Indian firmware . This can then be loaded manually directly over KIES on your score 2. So if it has urgently and in a hurry, should access the boys.

one is important to note After initial comments: Samsung has apparently not installed the new features of Note 3 to the new version of Note 3. Can you confirm that? Have you perhaps found even more new features or bugs? Schreibts below in the comments!

  • Galaxy Gear Support
  • Many speed optimizations
  • New Samsung keyboard
  • New design as the Samsung Galaxy S4
  • New lockscreen with widgets
  • New screen modes: Adapt display and Professional Photo
  • Daydreams
  • Auto Mode
  • Apps2SD (yeah!)
  • New Camera Mode: Sound and shot
  • New Notification Center
  • voice commands
  • New apps: Calculator, Clock, Contacts, Gallery, Music, KNOX implementation and Samsung Wallet
  • S Voice Update
  • So there is no new S-Pen software? Some grade 2 owners should not be pleased.

    via SamMobile and AllaboutSamsung

    one hand understandable that Samsung reserves certain feature in the current high-end smartphone. On the other hand, shame 2 owners for the note. Do you mind that?

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