Samsung has begun to distribute the official update to Android 4.4.2 Kitkat for its Android smartphone Galaxy Note 3. The new firmware version (Build number: N9005XXUENA6) is currently only in Poland for the Snapdragon version with quad-core CPU (SM-N9005) available. Impatient individuals who can not wait for the update to Android 4.4.2, but also have the chance to create it using the ODIN program now.
After recently first builds of Android 4.4.2 have emerged for the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 in the network, Samsung has according to the website SamMobile now officially begun to distribute the update to the latest Android version for its most recent Galaxy-Note- phablet .
Samsung has begun to distribute the official update to Android 4.4.2 Kitkat for its Android smartphone Galaxy Note 3. The new firmware version (Build number: N9005XXUENA6) is currently only in Poland for the Snapdragon version with quad-core CPU (SM-N9005) available. Impatient individuals who can not wait for the update to Android 4.4.2, but have also the possibility it using the ODIN program already einzuspielen (image:
The new firmware version carries according to the article the build number “N9005XXUENA6″ and is for the Snapdragon version of the Galaxy Note 3 quad-core CPU (SM-N9005) designed.
As usual, the update is gradually released in the different regions. Currently, the update is only available in Poland on Samsung’s software gravel for devices without provider branding available. When Germany’s turn, that can not be foreseen. Although report also already first German note-3 owners to receive the update, which is, however, that you have a device with a Polish country code.
If Samsung releases the update in this country, not all German Galaxy Note 3 owners will get the new firmware version at the same time. As a rule, give the producers in a first phase out only to a small, randomly chosen part of all models. Thus, they can detect any error before the update for other devices is provided. In addition, models obtained with provider-branding updates usually little later, as the first mobile operator to adjust the new versions of Android yet. In the coming weeks, the Kitkat update but should – be available
– at least for the majority of Galaxy Note devices without provider branding.
impatient contemporaries that 4.4.2 can not expect the update to Android, will also have the chance to create it using the ODIN program already. However, they rely the warranty of your device at risk. The latest firmware can be obtained via the website SamMobile. This requires preregistration is required.
What’s new in the update for the Galaxy Note 3 brings, which is explained by SamMobile in another post. Accordingly, Samsung has just about all the new features of Android 4.4 KitKat integrated. Thus, the SmartWatch Galaxy Gear continues to communicate after the update to the Galaxy Note 3, the Galaxy Gear Manager must be updated to version 1.6. This is currently not yet available. So if you manually einspielt the update and has a Smart Watch, which is this to Samsung publishes the Gear Manager update can not use with Grade 3. The detailed changelog of the new Samsung firmware has published on its website SamMobile. The following article also informs in detail about the general changes of Android 4.4 KitKat.
[With material by Lance Whitney,]
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