Wednesday, January 29, 2014

PICTURE testimony | Note 2 for superb goal-Thiago - IMAGE

  • Vergrößern Manuel Neuer

    superb goal-Thiago gets the 2 The notes of the Super-Bavaria

    MANUEL NEW: Bitter evening for him: Had hardly intervene – and yet even pick the ball out of the net. On conceding innocent. touch 4

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Photo: Getty Images


29/01/2014 – 23:46 clock

Despite average performance in Stuttgart Bayern go in the end win the game.

long time VfB defends itself in the catch-up game of the 17th Bundesliga matchday with success against the Super Troupe of Pep Guardiola (43). But then beats Thiago in injury time to ballert Bayern with a scissors kick brand “Goal of the Year” still to victory.

Vergrößern referee Manuel Graefe overlooked a handball by Rafinha and the offside Abdellaoue - IMAGE Touch 4 Referee Manuel Graefe overlooked a handball by Rafinha and the offside Abdellaoue – IMAGE Touch 4

Photo: Getty Images

The Spaniard gets the PICTURE touch 2nd

for its strong power and last-minute heroics

An unfortunate character makes this time referee Manuel Graefe (Berlin), the only one handles the ball in his own penalty overlooks Rafinha (12), in Stuttgart’s leadership also the offside of Preparer Mo Abdellaoue not recognize. PICTURE touch 4th

the Stuttgart? After the 1:2 defeat against Mainz to return half of the season it looks this time from a long well. Also, because Goalkeeper Sven Ulrey keeps his team with great saves in the game. With two goals against the visitors, however, is powerless. The grade 2 is for Ulrey but probably little consolation …

The PICTURE testimony to the catch-up game against Stuttgart Bayern – click through


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