Friday, January 10, 2014

Project "Custom Rom with Spen functions" -

Hey guys,

there are no custom ROMs, which offer all Samsung Spen Features (may). You have to use either a Samsung Rome and has everything with it or you can use a Custom Rom (not on Touchwiz based) and loses almost all the functions of the donor.

What interests me is how many of the Samsung functions can be used on a Custom Rom with alternative apps. With GMD GMD Spen Control and Gesture Control and the App Rating Buddy you can already cause quite a lot. In addition, there Apps such as Papyrus to make notes (S-Note would replace).

With Evernote you can get some features of Samsung’s Scrapbook (eg an image of a web page save) or with Skitch, another app from the home Evernote, with which you can write / draw on this image (as far as I have understood correctly).

And Custom Rome, there’s the multi-window function already. So far everything fine.

But how does it look with more features? I am thinking, for example, to Samsung’s Easy clip (when you press the donation button, a framework draws on a random contents such as photo, website or home screen, and then to share this excerpt with other apps).

What features have you replaced with what apps?

I would very much like to return to a Custom Rom (away from Touchwiz), but can use it as many donations as possible functions (like the above).

Currently I use a Rome that offers all the features of Grade 3, called Sotmax. Similar Ditto grade 3

Would be cool if you can provide me your tips, if you’re like me, prefer a Custom Rom not used on Spen want features without.

Thank you!


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