Android 4.4 KitKat seems for the Samsung Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3 set. But also get the Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2, the update to the new firmware Google | © Samsung
Get next to the Samsung Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3 also the Samsung Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2, the update to Android 4.4 KitKat? Many questions remain unanswered.
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In recent weeks, Samsung has not exactly covered in relation to the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean rollout for the Samsung Galaxy S3 and Note 2 to glory, even on the Galaxy S4 there were initially problems before a patch or a big bow Fix Update Remedy have created. Meanwhile runs the rollout for all outdoor gadgets, in the case of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Android 4.3 was already playing for the launch. And the Galaxy Note 2 came before the Galaxy S3 to train.
But there are the old adage “after the update is before the update.” And where is posed by many Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4, note 2 and note 3 disciples’ question: When will Samsung now sends for in this new year, roll out Android 4.4 KitKat
? episode on Twitter, Facebook or Google+ to 3 to stay current with Android 4.4 for the Galaxy S4, S3, grade 2 and grade to date.
Well, officially, the South Korean IT giant has not yet ruled on its update plans. While Sony or HTC have already issued the watchword in January or in the course of the first quarter 2014 Android 4.4 would be distributed KitKat, Samsung still shrouded in silence.
The evidence search so designed not simply – or we fall quickly in the nebulous. The colleagues of so for comment on the update opportunities – such as the Samsung Galaxy S3. It was stated that the new 2012 flagship one of the most successful smartphones since the Stone Age (freely translated), and so it stands to reason that Samsung also already slightly grizzled (so fast is the business) Devices with firmware considering. But Confirms this is of course not
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about Google had announced that the Android update support ends for Nexus devices after 18 months. For Samsung Galaxy Nexus disciples looked around confused from the laundry, because: The nearly two-year-old smartphone received no update to Android 4.4 KitKat. But of course, has the Galaxy S3 “several times” sold more than the Nexus device. In this respect, parallels can be drawn here is certainly not easy.
recently was also “leaked” a list that nicely lined up the Samsung Galaxy S4, Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note 2 and Note 3 shows. And the list can be seen that in fact, all four units will receive the update to Android 4.4 -. Although the Galaxy S4 and grade 3 will be probably faster on the train
So be it: For Samsung was (and is) the step on Android 4.3 Jelly Bean immensely important, the step but the compatibility with the SmartWatch Galaxy Gear secure. Previously, many dusty Galaxy Gears stored on the dresser, slowly.
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Now can be further predicts, but a guess would be allowed: Once Android 4.3 actually runs on all 2012er and 2013er flagships, a distribution of Android 4.4, nothing stands in the way. But the shame to let users potter with an immature firmware for weeks is likely to want to avoid Samsung. “Mixed” was to update the policy in 2012: First Android 4.2.2 was skipped for the Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2 for kolportierter coordination problems with the TouchWiz UI. Finally, in mid-November an Android 4.3 for the Galaxy S3 has been rolled out in approximately ten European countries, which was simply immature: The system acted sedate, the Home Screen go to – and Samsung pulled the emergency brake, put the rollout – and improved by.
Such theater is expected in the course of the rollout of Android 4.4 for the Galaxy S4 KitKat, Galaxy S3, Note 2 and Note 3 does not repeat. For Samsung would certainly future move many smartphone disciples to buy a unit of the South Koreans.
the Samsung Galaxy S5 announces itself known to already. Rumor has it that the Galaxy S5 to launch with … – of course – Android 4.4 KitKat rolled out, uh is delivered. It may for a new device, of course always be the best.
What do you think: Will Android 4.4 KitKat actually rolled on Samsung Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2, or Samsung has firmware “only” for the Galaxy S4 and score 3 planned? We are grateful for your feedback and opinions.
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