Sunday, January 12, 2014

Note 2 GT-N7105 LTE -

Hello people

I have a grade 2 GT-N7105 LTE with Android version 4.3, this was a once rooted, and then I, then the original Swisscom image again with Odin installed, but unfortunately I have had the problem that I see only the EDGE network, the part no longer works on 3G/4G.

I have searched in vain to find the whole internet is a firmware on the Swisscom contain Währe whether will probably now appear officially in my firmware under Device status, Swisscom has denied me the guarantee to because you want to see the Swisscom logo on your devices.

Now I do not know what I could do so I again 3G/4G benefits can, so I have a unit with a Swisscom Official
Sunrise SIM card, but only with the EDGE Netzt

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